14 - french toast

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"Del..." a voice whispers, feeling so close yet so far away. "Del wake up.." the voice says, this time louder and I crack an eyelid open to see Sarah's figure looming over me.

"W-What?" I grunt, rubbing the sleep from my eyes to see her clearer. When I take my hands away I notice the tears staining her cheeks. Even in the dark I can notice the puffiness around her eyes. "What happened?" I ask softly and she shakes her head before collapsing into my chest.

"What happened Sarah? One second you were in the pool and the next you're gone and Kelce is kissing me." I mumble the last part, remembering the events that occurred just hours before.

She pulls away from my before her eyebrows furrow in confusion, "Kelce kissed you?" I nod, laughing lightly.

"Yeah I was shocked too. I'm not really sure what happened but we were talking and he complimented my eyes and then his lips were on mine." I blink, confused. I honestly have no clue how the conversation escalated that quickly.

"He's liked your for a while, you know? Mostly it's been subtle things, like him teasing you all the time or getting worried you're going to hurt yourself doing something stupid. I think it's been a long time coming." She shrugs nonchalantly, as if it's the most obvious thing to me. But it's not, I had no idea.

"I just thought he was being nice but I guess not. I'm going to have to have a very uncomfortable conversation with him soon. Now stop changing the subject, what exactly happened after I left?" The smile leaves her face, immediately being replaced guilt.

"Topper and I went up to the roof to spend some time alone. It's always been our place to escape everything, and everything was going so well. I thought I was ready but I couldn't do it." Her eyes drift down to her hands that are perfectly laced in her lap.

"It didn't feel right, did it?" I bend down to make eye contact but to my surprise she shakes her head. "That's what's wrong, it did. He was so sweet the entire day. But when it came down to it, I just couldn't do it, and I have no idea why."

"Hey," I tilt her chin up, forcing her to look at me, "Don't beat yourself up about it, if topper really cares about you he's not going to care how long he has to wait. If he does, then he's not worth it. You do it when you're ready." God knows I didn't.

She nods, before pulling me back into a tight embrace, "Thank you Li. Really, I needed that. I needed someone to set my thoughts into place and tell me the truth, even if I don't want to hear it."

"No problem. That's what friends do."  My smile fades as JJ pops into my head. I can't imagine what she would say if she knew about us. Not just that, If she knew I'd been lying to her for nine months. That in itself sends shivers down my spine.

"We should go to sleep." She mumbles before pulling away and falling sideways onto the soft plush of her bed. I don't argue with her, following in suit and flopping down next to her on the bed. Her face is the last thing I see before I drift off to sleep.

The next couple of hours are filled with me tossing and turning, waking up every few hours with a splitting headache. After this cycle repeating a couple times I finally give up and leave my spot next to Sarah and head downstairs for some water.

All these years sneaking around in the Cameron household I know where all the creaks are in every nook and cranny. What I didn't account for is other variables, such as people sneaking into the house the same time I was sneaking down the stairs. Once my foot hits to bottom step my body collides with another and I'm shoved into the banister of the stairwell.

"What the hell!" I hiss, trying to be a quiet as possible and I glance up to see none other than Rafe Cameron staring back at me. "What are you doing down here Delilah? Don't you always sneak out the window?" He sneers and I can't help but roll my eyes.

"Not that I need to explain myself to you, but for your information I was going to get a glass of water. Now I'm guessing you're just coming back from topper's party. Find a new girl to fuck?" I raise my eyebrows up in an amused manor and I can tell I'm getting underneath his skin.

"That's none of your business. Now get out of my way and go get your water. Just because you're Sarah's friend doesn't mean you're untouchable. I just don't feel up to it right now." He doesn't give me a chance to respond before he pushes past me and up the stairs.

"Whatever." I sigh before walking into the kitchen and grabbing a glass of water and heading back upstairs. I chug the water down and then proceed to crawl back into the bed, staring at the ceiling just to let my mind wander. Not long after, the sun starts to rise and I come to terms that I'm not getting any sleep tonight.

I swing my feet over the edge of the bed and head downstairs, carful not to wake up Sarah or any of the Cameron's. I open the fridge and grab the crate of eggs and open the cupboard next to it that holds the cinnamon. I drop both onto the counter before retrieving the bowls and the bread and I get to work.

The first person down the stairs is wheezy, who is generally surprised by my presence but more about the French toast on the plate where she usually sits.

"Wait is that for me?" She asks, a grin spreading across her face and I nod. She squeals before sitting down and digging into the food. That alone wakes up the rest of the house, including Sarah who almost impossible wake up. I swear sometimes she's dead when she sleeps.

"What's all this?" I hear Ward ask and I turn around to see him and Sarah staring at me. "I woke up early and decided I want to do something with my time. I hope you don't mind." I feel a blush tinge my cheeks as the thought of them thinking this was weird surfaces my brain.

"Of course we don't, I'd never turn down an already made plate of perfectly good food. Thank you Del," he looks at me before grabbing a plate and disappearing around the corner. My attention isn't on him for much longer as Sarah sits down across from me, giving me a wary look.

"You cook when you're stressed, what's wrong?" She raises an eyebrow, apprehensively grabbing the plate in front of her. "Nothing. As I said before I woke up early and felt like I needed to do something, so I cooked instead."

Not convinced she takes a bite of the French toast, then decides to leave me alone, not asking me anything else. I glance down at what she is wearing, noticing that's it isn't what she was wearing last night when we fell asleep.

"What's with the outfit? Are you going somewhere?" I ask, pouring some coffee into a cup and she nods. "I'm going to John B's. Set the record straight about the tanks. I don't know who told my father but I know that it wasn't you or me, unlike what he believes." She huffs and my eyes widen, realizing what she's talking about.

"Wait Ward knows about the tanks John B borrowed?" The confusion coating my voice as Sarah nods in between bites. "Yeah someone told my father and John B got fired. He was so angry when he saw me last. I just want him to know it wasn't me."

"Okay, well I'm going to clean this up and then I need to head home." I mutter, more to myself than to Sarah. After a little bit she leaves, a bag of Skinny Pop in her hands and I finish up in the kitchen, grabbing my bag from upstairs and open the front door only to see blue eyes staring back at me.

Hey sorry I have been as
active recently,
I've been going through
it so if some updates are
slower than usual please
bare with me, I'm trying.
I just want to say thank
you for 5k and  for
read my book.
It means a lot and
I hope you are enjoying it!

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