16 - the merchant

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"Jesus you guys this boat is in the middle of nowhere! How long is it going to be until we get there?" I groan as Ki chuckles and shoves me softly. "Don't be a baby Del, we're almost there just a few more meters."

"Alright JJ pin it here." John B says from the front of the boat and JJ salutes him, "Roger that! X marks the spot." He then starts to spin the wheel as Kiara and I get up, getting the drone untangled. Then
John B takes it from us and starts to being it down into the water.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen. To going full kook." It then touches the water and I feel myself hold my breath. If this doesn't work or we lose the drone we're going to be in deep water. Figuratively and literally.

John B then hands the cord over to me and Ki, going to sit next to Pope and direct JJ on where we need to be in order for the drone to capture the shipwreck. We feed the rope down for a little bit until John B gives more directions.

"All right JJ, we're right over it. Ten seconds northwest." He shouts back towards JJ and JJ nods, "Got it, ten seconds northwest." He commentates back to him which makes me laugh slightly.

I then look down to see a red mark and make eye contact with Kiara. "One hundred feet." She nods, making a tally mark with chalk on the edge of the boat and we keep feeding to cord downward. From behind us Pope gasps and we both flash our attention to him.

"What? What, what, what , what?" John B rushes to his side by Pope just shakes his head. "It's nothing." We all groan in unison, and I start feeding the cord again, glancing at Ki who just shakes her head.

"Sorry I thought-" he starts to say but inside the cabin JJ interrupts him. "Don't do that to me man. C'mon bro!" I can practically hear him roll his eyes before he slams his hands on the wheel of the boat.

"My bad I thought I saw..." Pope drifts off and Ki sends me a knowing look. Who decided it was a good idea to let Pope watch the screen?

It's quiet for a few seconds until Pope opens his mouth again, this time in an unknown accent, "And to quote The Hobbit: 'Down down, to goblin town. Down down, you go my lad."

"Oh my god Pope will you please shut the fuck up for once in your life. This is serious!" The sentence leaves my lips before I can stop it and I immediately clasp my right hand to my mouth. "I'm sorry I-"

He shakes his head, clearly bothered but he tries not to show it on his face, "It's fine." That's all it takes for me to shut my mouth for the next few minutes as we feed the cord farther down.

"Four hundred feet!" Ki yells from right next to me, marking another tally mark with the white chalk. We get no response back, everyone too immersed into their own task. Above us the thunder starts to rumble and I shoot a look at Ki. "The tide's turning."

We keep feeding the cord down, me mostly zoning out while John B gives directions to JJ as the Monitor beeps. "Ki keep the tether our of the prop!" I hear JJ shout and Ki angrily yells back, "We're trying!"

We pass another three hundred feet and I turn to yell back but Ki beats me to it. "Seven hundred feet!" I tally another chalk mark as the clouds start rolling in faster. "I don't know how long we can keep this up! This storm is coming in faster every minute."

The ship starts to rock as it hits more heavy waves, making me feel slightly dizzy and off-balance. I stumble over to the side, bumping into Ki as she shoots me an 'are you good' look and I nod quickly before grasping onto the cord again.

"Nine hundred!" I yell as another orange mark passes through my hands and Ki puts down another chalk mark. The boat jolts to the side a little bit and I almost trip off the edge before Ki grabs my arm and I exhale, my heart racing. What it wrong with me today? It's like my head isn't on straight or something. Maybe I didn't get over that illness as fast as I thought I had.

" John be there's too much current , we're gonna lose it!" I yell and Pope immediately yells back, "Try harder we're almost there!" The cord tugs a little bit more as we try to feed it down as fast as we can without falling overboard, my head still spinning like crazy.

The yelling going on behind it's starting to make my head spin more and I try to completely mute it out until I hear Pope shout, "Del! Kiara!"

"Nine sixty!" She yells back and I feel the drone tug once more. "Nine seventy!" I let out a long sigh before yelling, "Nine eighty!" I'm not sure how much more I can take of this, my head just won't stop spinning. Then the yelling stops dead in its tracks. Ki and I glance back as Pope mumbles something inaudible.

"What you guys? Did you find it or not!" Ki says, the annoyance palpable in her expression. I glance to John b and see his mouth moving but my mind isn't registering what he's saying. It's like everything went mute.

I feel Ki touch my arm and I shift my attention to her and see her lips moving, but just as John b, I can't seem to interpret what she's saying. "What's- what's happening..." I manage to get out before I feel my center tilt and I start to fall sideways. The last thing I feel is my head hit the side of the boat before everything goes black.

Okay first to start off with
I am so sorry that I haven't
uploaded in so long everything's
been pretty hectic right now
so I promise I'll be uploading
a lot more frequent in
the weeks to come.
But I am so excited for
the next chapter that I'm
gonna be releasing!
Since it is a major turning
point in the storyline.
I am really excited to introduce
why all of this has been
happening to Del
( if you haven't guessed it already).
Well I hope you enjoyed this
chapter and stay
tuned for the next one

The other side | OBXOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant