19- reality check

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"You were out for a while. I was scared shitless that you weren't going to wake up. After you hit your head we raced back to shore and took the Twinkie to the hospital. They took you away almost immediately and they wouldn't let me see you. Only family or some bullshit like that. I swear I waited in that waiting room for hours until John b practically dragged me out of there." JJ sighs, his hand brushing through my hair as we both lay on the bed in the hospital room.

My mom hadn't been able to leave me, in fear of something happening to me so when JJ came back she took that time to go get some food from the cafeteria. So it was just JJ and I with some nurses coming in occasionally.

"Does Sarah know about the accident?" I ask right as it pops into my head and JJ shakes his head. "John B was afraid if she knew she'd find out about everything so we decided it was best if you told her what happened minus a few details."

"It's probably for the best anyways. She worries too much already that adding me into the mix would do more harm than good. I'll tell her soon about... you know." I pause before saying the last part, afraid that if I say it it'll be that much more real.

"Yeah, I still can't wrap my head around it either." He shakes his head, laughing softly as he tightens his grip around my shoulders. "We're going to be parents, to a child. Who decided that was a good idea?" I laugh, which just makes JJ laugh harder.

"Wait how the fuck are we going to tell Ki? She doesn't even know that we were...." I trail off, looking at him as he raises his eyebrows. "Sleeping together..." he finishes, looking at me with a small smirk.

"Yeah, that's going to be one uncomfortable conversation. Telling her not only that we're dating but also that there is a baby involved now." The words easily slip out of his mouth that almost don't even catch what he said. Keyword: almost.

"Is that your way of asking me to be your girlfriend? Cause if it was that was pretty lame Maybank." I nudge him a little bit, a grin spreading across my face as JJ's cheeks turn crimson. I had never seen this boy blush that hard before and I've seen almost every side of him, literally and figuratively if you know what I mean.

"It wasn't supposed to happen like that I swear. But when have we ever done anything traditional. I mean for fucks sake I met you while you were trying to commit suicide, then we slept together, became friends, made a baby and then there was a relationship. You can't tell me that's the order it's supposed to go?"

I can't help but let a smile cross my face by how flustered he is, "Hey since when were we ever normal anyways? Besides your stuck with me forever so does it really matter if we did it in order?" He nods, shrugging as I lay my head back down on his chest.

"How are we this evening?" A voice says from the entrance into my room and JJ immediately unhooks his arm from my shoulders, sliding off the bed with ease. Dr. Fitz walks into the room, notice JJ right away but she doesn't say anything. "A lot better actually, now when can I go home?"

Dr. Fitz just chuckles, taking a look at my stitches and then at the baby's monitor. "Your baby hasn't had any decells so I don't see why you can't go home now. I'll have a nurse give your mom the discharge papers and I hope to not see you until you deliver. Until then just make your appointments with your regular doctor's ob and take your prenatals." With that she's out the door, leaving JJ and I alone again.

"Did anyone happen to bring me another pair of clothes?" I purse my lips and JJ nods, walking over to the windowsill and pulling out a pair of jeans and a t-shirt that looks two sizes too big. "Your mom asked me to bring some clothes and that's all had of yours, well not the shirt. That's mine but it's your favorite and I though you would want it." I don't deserve this boy.

A few nurses come in a few minutes later and detach me from all the machines, giving me directions on what to do for my stitches and where to get my prenatals. After they are gone JJ helps me out of the bed and I go into the bathroom to change: both bother to put a bra on I untie they hospital gown and pull the t-shirt over my head and take a deep breath. It smells like home.

I then pull the jeans on, seeming tighter than usual and when I try to zip them up I can't. The zipper just keeps stopping and I glance at the mirror and gasp.

"Holy shit." I look down again, noticing the reason why my jeans don't fit . A small bump protruding from my stomach. I must have popped in the last few days when I was in the hospital and I hadn't even noticed. Granted I was unconscious for most of it but I didn't notice this bump this morning.

"Del is something wrong, are you okay?" I hear JJ ask from the other side of the door so I lean over and unlock it. "My jeans don't fit." I sigh, looking down at my stomach as he opens the door. His eyes follow mine and they immediately widen.

"You see it too right?" I say, the disbelief coating my voice and he blinks. "Holy shit......oh my god. This whole baby thing just got a whole lot more real."

"What?! Did you think I was playing a prank on you?" I tease, still trying to come to terms with the life inside me as he runs his hand down his face.

"Kinda felt like it at first, but now it real. Like really real. Like in less than seven months we will have a life that we made in our arms." He mumbles the last part, his eyes never leaving my stomach.

"Okay but real problem, what pants am I going to wear home cause I can't wear these?" I gesture to the unzipped jeans and JJ walks out of the bathroom, returning with a pair of joggers.

"They're mine but they'll do the job. Now I'm going to go find your mom and then let's hit the road." He walks out of the bathroom only to walk back in a few seconds later. "Hey Ki invited us to the kook OBX movie thing, do you want to come? That way we'll kill two birds with one stone since Pope is coming too."

"That sound like fun, is John b going too?" I ask, closing the door so I can change while still having this conversation. "No he's been m.i.a today, I'm sure he's fine though. We can drop your stuff off and then pick up them on the way."

I pull the joggers up with ease, opening the door and tossing the jeans into the bag that they came from.

"I'm fine with that now where is my mom so we can get out of this place. I'm so sick of the antiseptic smell, it's making me nauseous." JJ laughs, picking up the bag and we head out the door, meeting my mom in the hallway. I engulf her in a hug before I walk with JJ back to the Twinkie, telling her I'm going to the movie screening and that I'll be back later. She nods before handing me an extra change of clothes, consisting of a pair of black leggings and a purple crew neck.

We then head to the car and JJ pops in the abba cd that I left at his house the last time we were there. "You remembered!" I exclaim and mama Mia starts blasting over the stereo and we pull out of the parking lot.

as I promised a new chapter,
and another one underway
that will be released very soon.
I don't really have
much to say for this chapter
so I hope you enjoyed it
and stay tuned for the next one.

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