Chapter 9

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In the initial suggestion I planted on that greedy mortal who stumbled into this place accidentally three thousand years ago, I just wanted him to spread on the belief that there're great treasures in this wood. 

Even though the memory of those people who headed into this wood would usually be wiped away by the god of order, the god of order would also fulfill a wish of those people. They usually walked out of the woods with treasures or power. And my suggestion stayed with them through the wiping of memory. Their coming out of the woods with treasure would further reinforce the thoughts I planted in them. 

As more and more people explored the woods in the hope of finding treasures, I planted another type of suggestion in those people who stumbled into this place. Like the last mortal who barged into this place with my brother's pearl knife, he was probably someone rich and powerful, that's why I planted another suggestion in him. I wanted him to find the dagger that killed the god of light. The dagger that pierced his soul into a million of pieces. 

After Rachelle stabbed that dagger into her lover under my hypnosis, the dagger had already disappeared before the gods came rushing in. I hid it, in a box charmed by my sister. I knew where it was last hidden and it's probably still there. 

I also planted another suggestion in the servants of that rich and powerful mortal, such as finding the knife that could break all spells. If they could not find it, don't worry, the suggestion would be passed onto their offspring.

Now, come on, don't let me wait too long, my dear puppets. 


The ward surrounding the place shook for the tenth times in a minute. The god of order really placed an extra strong godly spell over this place before he left, even the knife who could break all spells met a strong enemy. But it's just a matter of time. 

I was just seconds away from escape. The dagger that could rescue me was just over the other side of the shaking ward. The god of order must have known I had broken the ward that locked me in my room under the lake, but I knew him, he was so confident of himself. As long as the spells on my body were still intact, the ward he placed around this place still present, he wouldn't be worried. 

Adding to the fact that I had a feeling he was occupied somewhere, or else why wouldn't he come back as soon as the ward that locked me in my room broke? Just like last time? But he must have sensed an attack on his spell, it's just a matter of time before he returned, especially now that the ward which separated me from the prison and the woods was about to shatter. 

Finally, the ward shattered with a bang. A group of people rushed in. The one leading the group was a young man who looked quite similar to the rich and powerful mortal who barged in decades ago. Must be his son. 

"Welcome." I smiled at them as I flicked the tail in the water. 

The group of people gaped at the scene in front of them, just like how every mortal did before them. 

"Welcome to the place of god," I said with a sweet smile on my face. "In here you can find treasures beyond your imagination."

I could see the greed in their eyes blazing. "I can show you to the greatest treasure in this place with just one condition..."

The man leading the group looked at me with untamed greed in his eyes, "Then you must be talking about yourself. A mermaid, I have found a mermaid!"

Like father, like son. I snorted and rolled my eyes. Without wasting my time, I looked him in his eyes and said, "Give me the dagger."

Just like this, the man walked forward in a trance and handed me the charmed box holding the dagger. 

"Stop looking at me, if you want treasures go and explore this place. There's wine buried below that tree. It's wine made by the god of wine. Go and explore. Set this place into chaos!" I giggled. I knew the god of order loved wines, I wonder what his face would be when he realized his treasured wine was stolen.

And then I opened the box and took out the dagger. This was a dagger that could pierce into the soul of a god and shattered it. The spells on me were placed by several gods, the spells had been ingrained into my body and imprisoning my soul in my tattered body. The spells on my body were irreversible. There was no way to break it. But I could separate my soul from my body with this dagger. Even though it'd be very painful. There was no time for me to waste, the god of order would be back any second. 

I stabbed the dagger into my body with the intention of separating my soul from my body in mind. Pain seeped into my body. It's like millions of nails hammering into my body all at once. It's like hundreds of daggers piercing through my soul. I screamed and shrieked until at last my soul separated from my body. I had one last look at my tattered body and then occupied the body closest to me. It's a girl who had been busy digging out the flowers next to the lake. 

There's no time to lose, I tore the necklace from my old body, took the knife and without looking back I escaped this place that had lost all order. As those mortals trashed this place for treasures, I slipped out of the ward and into the forest with my new body. 

As I ran away from the place that had acted as my prison for more than three thousand years, searing pain tore through my soul. I bore that with clenched teeth as I threw myself into the deep woods. After leaving my prison behind, the pain in my soul slowly ebbed. 

I looked around, I was inside the deep woods. I was away from my prison. I was finally free. Tears dripped down my face, but it's not time for weeping. I wiped the tears from my face and continued north. The route out of the woods. 

It was just a few minutes after my escape when the Forbidden Woods shook. The animals living in the woods escaped back to their homes in fear. The god of order had returned. 

It's too late, I smirked. Who asked you to break your promise? I escaped. Told you not to be so full of yourself. 

I continued running towards north. To freedom. 


Author's note

Lorelei has escaped!!!! See you next time!

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