Chapter 14

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When the black folds around our eyes were finally removed, we were already inside a room. More like a hall for meetings. There was a long table. Around the table, beasts with different eye colors and characteristics occupied their respective seats. The hall was bright and well furnished. At least I was sure beasts were not living in rambles. 

"I'm back, fellow elders." The female beast who captured us reported. "Here are the group of mortals I captured near the edge of the forest. These four were beating up the childling at that time."  

"Thank you for your hard work," said someone from the long table. 

"As Loretta has said," a soft voice rang out from near the head of the long table, "you'll all wait for punishment in prison." I glanced up at the familiar voice. Someone with soft curls and soft brown eyes was sitting there. It's really Cecil, my friend from the tribe of lambs. 

Cecil continued with a troubled look, "I sure wish you don't have to wait for long, but mortals who have discovered the existence of beasts by accident are surely not top of the priority now. I hope you understand." 

Cecil was alive. She was part of the elders. With Cecil, she surely would help me escape. I was right when I followed Loretta here. I just had to contact Cecil and made her trust me. But how? How could I escape the notice of Archer and get in touch with her? 

"Wait a second!" cried Kris. "So the beasts are real? They're not just mystical monsters?"

The elders all looked offended at the mention of monsters. 

Kris must have noticed his mistake when he grew visibly paler and said, "I'm sorry. We're just shocked. We mean you no offence." 

A beast with golden blond hair and golden eyes sitting next to Cecil said, "Whether the beasts exist or not, does it matter?" Loretta had his hair and eyes color, but her features looked more like Cecil. Was Loretta Cecil's child? Or grandchild? 

My heart was filled with mixed emotions. Happy that Cecil seemed to be living out her life happily, sad that only I was frozen in time. I did not have a future nor a life, unlike Cecil. I was stuck in my prison. 

Kris opened his mouth and then closed again, clearly not knowing how to respond. 

Emily joined in at that moment, "Can I ask you one more question? The... the child in the forest said the earthquakes were the wrath of god. Do you know what has happened?"

The beasts around the long table eyed each other, but they still kept on their poker faces. 

The beast with golden hair and eyes said, "Forbidden Woods is a place of god. And you mortals trashed it in the name of treasure seeking." 

"That ridiculous treasure seeking trend started by that empty headed Rachelle," one elder muttered in distaste. 

"Well only mortals and that god of light can be fooled by that Rachelle," another elder added. 

Cecil cleared her throat. "But that's not the main reason the god got angry." 

So that's why the number of people going into the Woods had increased these past hundreds or so years! As I said it's always Rachelle creating a mess. But I should thank Rachelle for creating so many opportunities for me. 

"Then it must be the treasure!" Ralph said with bright eyes. "Someone did find a treasure of god!"

"If there was really a treasure, not that I said there was, it's still a treasure of god. Not you mortals. What makes you think you can just take the treasure away?" one said. 

"Rachelle and her logic I supposed," another tsked. 

It seemed like the beasts' lives weren't as secluded and isolated as I thought. At least they knew something that had happened just a few hundreds years ago. The legendary Rachelle and her trip of going to different temples to 'save' the temples' treasures. Yes, she just took or stole other temples' prized treasures while saying she's there to 'save' them. She didn't think it's stealing. I applauded Rachelle for her logic. 

Now Ralph was left speechless too. 

Cecil waved her hand and ordered, "Take them to the prison cells." 

"Wait," shouted Emily. "Then why is the god angry? Who is the owner of Forbidden Woods?" 

The beast with golden hair chuckled, "What? Wanting to pray to the god for mercy?"

"The god's wrath has nothing to do with you if you're just an innocent treasure seeker like the other hundreds in this wood," Cecil said gently. "If you're really innocent that is." With another gentle wave, the soldiers behind us began to usher us towards the door. 

Luckily, the boys were closer to the door, Archer was among the first two to be ushered out of the door. With a bit of maneuvering, I was the last to go out the door. I clasped the pendant my brother made me in the hand. It's a huge gamble. If Cecil could not recognize this pendant, I would have lost my ticket to escape the ward around the forest. But I had nothing else that could grasp her attention and prove myself. 

Just before the door was about to close, I slid the pendant across the floor. The pendant stopped near the foot of Loretta. I really hoped they would notice it. With that done, I silently followed Emily who was just in front of me to our prison cell. 

Now I wished they would at least put us into different prison cells. Everything was moot if Archer could notice my every step. 

When the door to the cell holding Emily, Alice and I clanged open, I knew I made the right gamble. I smiled brightly in the shady light of the cell. 


Author's note

Let's the excitement continue!

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