Author's Note

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I can't believe I have finished yet another story! I really like the set up of Lorelei's story. Once I got the inspiration for such setting, I was determined to write out her story. I believed the drama and tension of her story would be spectacular! And how this story turned out was really satisfactory. 

Some might find this story shorter than my other stories. (My stories are already short when compared to other stories on this website.) When I first started writing this story, I intended this to be a 'short' story, that is around 20 chapters. It's already longer than what I expected. It's short because I don't want Lorelei to suffer too much (she has already suffered enough) and because I am not as free as I used to be. So writing a story with ~20 chapters is the perfect length for me. 

Lorelei is a turn from my previous protagonist. She is more vocal and rude (?) and even more of a lunatic (?) than Arina (from Gilded Cage). She is a spoiled girl, she does whatever she wants and is so dramatic. I had fun writing from her view point.

As for the god of order, he is a gentleman (?). Some might not like him because he's the warden of Lorelei. He and Lorelei are from opposite camps, kind of like Romeo and Juliet, so he has his own problems to deal with too (like the gods and their politics). Without the god of order saving her, Lorelei would have died. Some may say then let Lorelei die! But then we wouldn't have this story, would we? 

Thank you all the readers of Wattpad, you mean a lot to me. Writing stories will not bring me so much joy without you guys reading them and supporting me! Wattpad is also a website I have grown attached to throughout the years, it plays a part in my teenage years after all. 

I look forward to sharing new stories with you guys! Hope to see you all in the near future!


After the Villainess Failed to Overthrow the GodsWhere stories live. Discover now