~ TWO ~

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The next day came around sooner than Rebecca expected. Searching through her draws she pulled out a pair of denim shorts, and a white crop blouse quickly changing.

She sat on her bed, contemplating how today would go. A million scenarios ran through her head. There was plenty of time before Orientation, but she couldn't help it. She was having a hard time controlling her nerves, they were through the roof for so many reasons. Before Rebecca could overthink anymore the door to her dorm opened, and a girl walked through. She had blonde hair that fell in two braids over her shoulders, and a shy smile settled on her face when she saw Rebecca. 

Feeling the tension of nerves between both of them Rebecca decided to say something.

"Take it you're my roommate," she greeted the girl, "I'm Rebecca."

The girl was slightly taken back by her friendliness, "Y-yes. I'm Julie Gaffney, her smile warmed up, "It's nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, Julie," Rebecca returned.

"I got here yesterday, but if you need to switch sides or beds I don't mind," she said as her new roommate carried her belongings into the dorm.

Julie shook her head. "It's fine," she assured Rebecca, and began to unpack her stuff. 

After a few minutes went by without any words, a conversation sparked between the two girls, and continued to flow. Both girls were becoming well acquainted with one another, that they hadn't realised how much time went by until Julie looked at the clock, and gasped.

"I'm sorry, but I have to get going. I promised some friends that I would meet up with them before Orientation."

Rebecca nodded, "Don't apologise, I'll see you later."

Julie thanked her before leaving, both girls smiled at each other before she left.


Walking through the entrance of the school auditorium Rebecca distinctly recognised Rick, and the Varsity team in their letterman jackets. Not knowing anyone else, she swiftly made her way over and slipped into an open seat next to Scooter.

"Did I miss anything?" Rebecca quietly, but suddenly spoke. Making the upperclassman jump. 

"Rebecca," he said, catching his breath, "No, it hasn't started yet," he confirmed.

Rebecca felt herself more at ease, "Okay good," and relaxed comfortably into her seat. Before remembering she was sitting with upperclassmen. "I'm able to sit here right, not going to ruin your reputation?" she turned to Scooter and asked. The boy smiled while he shook his head. 

Rebecca nodded before looking around the auditorium, her gaze stopped when she noticed Julie walking in with four boys. Her eyes followed them to where they sat a couple of rows ahead of where she was.

Scooter lowered his voice, "Look. It's some of the Ducks," he nodded over to where Julie and the boys sat.

Rebecca's eyes widened at his words, "No way," she uttered.

"Yeah," Scooter replied.

Looking over at her, he saw the look of shock on her face.

"What's wrong, you look like you've seen a ghost?"

Rebecca shook her head and met Scooter's eyes, "The girl sitting up there is my roommate, Julie Gaffney."

Scooter was quiet for a moment before chuckling in disbelief, "You didn't realise your roommates a Duck?"

"Well, no," Rebecca defended, feeling slightly embarrassed.

"I've never seen the Ducks in person, and we didn't get around to gold medals, or sport when we were talking earlier," Rebecca confessed.

"You have a fair point," he admitted, but still he questioned her, "What did you talk about then?" 

Rebecca rolled her eyes, annoyed with herself, "It seems like we talked about everything else under the sun, but hockey."

Scooter let out another small chuckle.

Rebecca thought this day couldn't possibly get any better. She was wrong.

Scooter once again lowered his voice and spoke, "Your brother seems to be welcoming the Ducks with open arms," he pointed out.

She looked at the rows ahead where Rick's voice was as clear as day, "You Ducks don't belong here at Eden Hall."

Rebecca covered her face with her hands.

"Great," she uttered, sliding down in her seat as her brother continued to taunt her new teammates and roommate. Thankfully Dean Buckley stood up and Orientation began.

Buckleys' speech was nothing short of boring, as he droned on about how this year was going to be. Rebecca chewed on the inside of her cheek to stop herself from yawning. A small commotion of noises came from behind the curtain on stage. However, the Dean continued, "We proudly open our doors via full scholarships to a truly gifted group of student-athletes. So, will you please join me in giving a big, rousing warrior welcome, to the gold medal winners of the Junior Goodwill Games. I present to you-"

With another loud crash the curtain behind Buckley came toppling down, and seven students in pads and on rollerblades struggled out from underneath it. Other students around the auditorium laughed at the ones on stage.

A boy in a green hockey jersey pushed off all the others.

"Hi," he spoke, "We're the Ducks."

Rebecca's mouth dropped open, "Oh, no."

She looked between her team on the stage, the ones in their seats, her brother. And gulped.

Authors Notes:

Hi, Hopefully this won't be my only update this week (Fingers crossed)

Adam Banks || Handed To You Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin