~ FOUR ~

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The next morning Julie and Rebecca got ready for their classes. Giving each other space while they moved around their dorm. Julie looked at her roommate beaming, "Good luck, I've got to get to English," and waved before leaving the dorm.

See you, Julie, Rebecca called out after her.

Walking out of the dorm not long after Julie left, Rebecca made her way down the corridors of Eden Hall. The corridors were flooded with students making their way to classes. She maneuvered around them as she walked, relieved when finally reaching her locker and shoved some books into her bag. Closing her locker she took a deep breath, gathering herself before rejoining the crowd to find her class. As she walked her thoughts began to stray to what could happen this afternoon, she had her first practice with the Ducks.

Her overcomplicating thoughts came to a halt, when she found herself landing on the ground with a hard thud.

Rebecca groaned as she felt the cold floor underneath her and a figure looming above. Then it dawned on her she'd hit someone. "Sorry, I wasn't paying attention," she apologised from the floor.

A hand extended towards her, "Im sorry too. Here let me help."

She gratefully took the hand and was helped to her feet. When finally looking up she noticed a pair of piercing blue eyes looking at her. She froze as the eyes belonged to a boy who seemed about her age. He had darkish blonde hair parted in the middle and was a good eight inches taller than her, causing her to slightly look up while she talked. Rebecca couldnt avoid the fact that he was good looking, and felt herself getting nervous as he spoke, "Are you ok? You hit the ground pretty hard."

Rebecca ran her hand through the top of her hair pushing it out of her face,

"I'm fine, I'm used to hitting the ground," she replied, and the boy gave her a sideways look.

She felt her cheeks heating up and fought to keep calm, "I mean, I hit the ground a lot."

Rebecca realised that sounded worse and became more flustered scrambling for words, "Uh... I play a physical sport. Lots of shoving and hitting the ground. Not just from me though, the other team as well." Nodding in an attempt to hide that she was embarrassing herself more.

Coming to terms with the fact it was unsuccessful, she placed a hand on her forehead and grinned nervously, "That sounds bad doesn't it?

The boy laughed, "Maybe a little, but I'm more worried for your opposition."

He found her outburst of anxiousness cute, and couldnt take his eyes off her, the way her light brown fell across her face and the way her hazel eyes brightened with her smile.

Rebecca was thankful this boy had some humor, though she was embarrassed and wanted to make a run for it.

"Sorry again for bumping into you," She smiled.

"It's fine, It was nice meeting you," the boy gave her a small nod before he walked away, until he realised he hadn't even gotten her name, but when he turned around to ask she was gone.

Exhaling sharply Rebecca walked to her class and sat down at a desk, wanting to forget that encounter ever happened.

Nice going, Rebecca. You totally embarrassed yourself in front of a really cute and funny guy, and the bell hasn't even gone. I think thats a new record. She thought to herself and class began.


The day continued to move relatively slow. Pretty much every class consisted of the teachers introducing themselves, their expectations for the year and their subject outline. It was tedious, by the time Rebecca walked into her Chemistry class she wanted to sleep. Sitting at an empty bench, she rested her head in her arms on top of it. Quite content in that moment, until a voice cautiously spoke next to her, "Is this seat taken?

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