~ FIVE ~

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Rebecca retrieved her hockey gear from under her bed. She was yet to see Julie, but she knew all too well she would be seeing her soon. Pushing any and all thoughts aside, she changed into her hockey gear and one of her former team jerseys, as well as quickly braiding her hair in a low braid. It didn't bother her if she walked to the rink in her gear, it would save her from any weird encounters in the changing room with her new team.

Rebecca approached the Hockey rink, hoping to enter unnoticed. Although she knew the varsity team had practice, perhaps that was a good thing, considering that she hadn't talked to her brother in a while, and the last time they did speak it didn't end on good terms. As soon as she entered her eyes immediately gravitated towards a bold red 77 on the ice, it was his number, Rebecca knew it from the abundance of times she had watched him play. He was running a drill with his team. Rebecca observed their movements with a keen eye, on the ice that was one of her strengths, reading and anticipating the play. It just came naturally to her, each pass of the puck and changing direction of the body. She continued to watch the varsity team as she walked around the outside of the rink, and became acquainted with a seat down the far end of the spectator stands.

Time was inevitably dawning closer, so she decided to change into her skates.

After she laced one skate she looked up to see her smug looking brother coming off the ice. "Good luck, Rick plainly addressed her as he walked past without saying another word.

"Thanks," she duly replied and he was gone.

Frustration radiated through her briefly while she finished lacing up her skates, why was her brother being such a jerk. For a fleeting moment, she just thought of her brother and how he was acting.

"Rebecca Riley?" a man questioned, returning her concentration to reality.

She acknowledged the man who was now in front of her, "That's me.

"Right. I am Coach Orion, your coach," he introduced himself.

"Nice to meet you, Coach," Rebecca returned with a smile.

"Likewise,now go put your gear bag in the locker room. You need to meet the rest of the team," Orion said.

Rebecca nodded and went to place her bag in an empty locker in the locker room. Returning to where she was only minutes ago.

Rebecca exhaled, it's now or never. Grabbing her stick and placing her helmet on she skated upon the ice towards Orion and the team. She felt tension towards where she was skating, and in no time, all eyes were on her.


The Ducks were silent as their Captain, whod just been stripped of his title, began his laps.

The sound of blades on the ice cut through and everyone looked past their new coach to a figure coming towards them.

Julie focused on the figure with disbelief.

Stopping next to Orion the person took off their helmet, revealing a friendly smile.

"This is your new teammate," Orion announced.

"Her name's, Rebecca.

Julie continued to look at her roommate in disbelief. Slowly a grin developed on her face. She looked around the rest of the Duck who looked at Rebecca, unknowing of her personality. Though her smile only somewhat settled their nerves, they were still skeptical.

Julie's eyes narrowed on the Duck next to her, Adam, whats wrong, she whispered.

But he didn't reply. He was speechless, in front of him again was Rebecca. He was confused but also intrigued there was so much he didnt know.

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