Chapter 9

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Before I know it, the patio and backyard are full of people. There are people in the pool, floating and splashing and everyone seems to be having a good time. The group from last night is here, minus Dex and I wonder if he's going to show up. I grab a can of spiked seltzer from the garage and join Kristin and Luke on the patio. I find them sitting with Logan, Tyler and Courtney.

"Where's Cami?" Kristin asks Logan.

"She had to work again," he pouts.

I hear his deep voice from behind me. "Ladies and gentlemen, the party can finally begin," Dex's laugh booms through the back yard. I turn and see his arms raised above his head as he makes his entrance.

Luke looks to his brother, "About time you showed up. Drinks are in fridge in the garage."

Dex disappears for a few minutes and returns quickly with a beer in his hand. The guys quickly shift the discussion to hockey, leaving me, Kristin and Courtney to gossip a little. Courtney leans in to me and asks, "So, do you have a man back in California?"

"No," I give a simple answer but I know she wants more.

Kristin takes over for me, "Touchy subject, Court. She had a man but she dumped his cheating, loser ass before moving here."

"We need to set you up!" Courtney practically screams, jumping from her seat. Kristin seems to catch onto my uncomfortable vibe and she quickly changes the focus.

"Let's go swimming," she suggests.

The three of us stand and walk towards the pool. I slide my shorts down and pull my tank up and over my head, as Kristin and Courtney both do the same. I set my clothes on one of the lounge chairs, and instantly feel a chill, like someone's looking at me. I notice Kristin and Courtney as they both look at me and then over my shoulder, Kristin's eyebrows raising. I glance back and see Dex's eyes moving up my body, taking in my curves. My whole body suddenly feels heated, but Courtney's voice interrupts my thoughts, "You have tattoos," she says sounding surprised.

I've gotten a tattoo each year around my birthday, since I turned eighteen. It's something Kat and I have fun doing together. I have three so far and I'm planning to get a fourth in the next few months to celebrate turning twenty-one.

"How many do you have?" Courtney questions.

"I have three so far, but I'll be getting another one soon. It's kind of like a birthday tradition that my sister and I do together," I tell her as I start to show them to her. I have a small sunflower blooming on my right upper back, which I'm sure is the one she noticed first. I lift my leg slightly to show her an orange and black monarch butterfly on my left ankle, and lastly, I pull my hair to the side to expose a small lotus blossom inked on the back of my neck. As I lift my hair, I feel an unexpected presence. In my distraction, I hadn't noticed that the guys had decided to join us and Dex had come along with them. I can feel him, standing overwhelmingly close as he reaches up and his fingers lightly graze the small flower on the back of my neck.

"So delicate," he barely whispers in my ear, so only I hear him. My body shivers slightly and I hope it's not noticeable to anyone else. Somehow, he manages to lean even closer to me as he smiles and says, "You sure you want to swim? Looks like you've got goosebumps." Obviously, he has noticed my reaction. I take a small step to the side to create a comfortable distance.

I smile up at him, "I definitely want to swim. It's probably just the air here in New England. I'm used to a little more heat in California." I turn towards the water with a knowing smirk on my face.

"I still can't believe that Uncle David and Aunt Sophie let you get all those," Kristin adds.

"Well, they actually didn't have a choice. I was over eighteen when I got them and it's my body, so I didn't need their permission. I can't wait to get my next one in a few months," I smile.

"You already have it planned?" Logan is curious.

I explain, "My birthday is next month and my sister's birthday is in December. We usually get them together as a little birthday celebration. We'll probably plan to do it when I go home for Thanksgiving."

"Do you know what you're going to get next?" Courtney wants to know. I have a couple ideas I've been going between, so I shrug my shoulders. "I'm not completely sure yet, I have a few things I've been considering."

"No matter what you do I'm sure it will be beautiful, the colors really look amazing on your skin. I wish I was brave enough to get one," Courtney says sweetly.

Tyler steps closer, "No way my girl is getting a tattoo." Courtney and I both shoot icy glares in his direction.

"Why not? What's wrong with a girl having tattoos?" I inquire maybe a bit too harshly.

At the same time, Courtney is scolding him, "Excuse me, but I can do as I please with my body!" He laughs as he pulls his shirt over his head, revealing his own chest and back tattoos.

"Honestly Court, did you forget I had these?" He asks still laughing. Courtney takes a step closer and gives him a small peck on the cheek, then she calls him an ass and promptly pushes him into the pool. The look of shock on Tyler's face as he hits the water is priceless.

I'm standing and waiting for my turn to climb into the pool as I see Dex reach down, pulling his shirt over his head. I guess he's going to swim with us too. He tosses his shirt in the same chair as my clothes and I suddenly feel breathless at the sight of him. I turn back towards the pool, trying to catch my breath as I climb down the ladder and into the water.

My heated body feels almost immediately refreshed as I plunge into the pool. I move through the water with ease, but my eyes are drawn back to Dex. I find him already in the water, and he and Luke are standing in a shallow spot leaning on the edge of the pool, appearing in deep discussion. I watch his facial expression and notice his thick eyebrows are pinched together in a scowl. I find myself wondering what they might be talking about that's making him appear upset. Almost as if he can feel me looking at him, his brow smooths out and a small smile touches his lips. They both begin to laugh and I look away before I'm caught staring.

I swim towards Kristin and Courtney and join their conversation in the water. Kristin starts pointing out people and giving me names, but I know there is no way I'll remember them all. There has to be at least twenty hockey players here along with just as many, if not more, girls. I end up grabbing one of the floats and after climbing up, I lay myself down allowing the sun to warm my body as I laze around the pool. I've only just closed my eyes for a second when I feel something touch the bottom side of my float, pushing lightly against my stomach. I open my eyes just in time to see Dex's wicked smile as he flips the float and I fall with a splash into the water. I pop back up and he's still laughing. I swipe at the water, giving him a little splash in return, but this only prompts him to take a step closer to me. Our height difference is apparent as he looks down at me, smirking, "Is that all you got California girl?" I lunge at him, trying to push him under, but it's no use. I can't seem to budge him an inch. Instead of my intended action of shoving him under the water, I have become suddenly aware that I am in reality giving him a direct show of my cleavage only inches from his face. I quickly move my hands from his shoulders, letting go. As I start to move away, he grabs my arms, pulling me back towards him so that our chests are almost touching.

"Hey Mia, I'm going to get out and dry off to lay in the sun for a bit," Kristin's voice interrupts our fleeting moment. I see a slight smile on her face as she turns and climbs out of the pool.

"Uh...yeah, I'll be right there," I reply.

Dex has already let go of my arms, but as I turn to leave the pool his lips are once again too close to my ear. "This game isn't over yet; I'll find a way to get you again later." I know he's only playing around, but I can't help the heated feeling I suddenly have coursing through my body. I hope he does find me later.

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