Senator Corvus (Pompeii) Imagine

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Imagine: Senator Corvus abducting you and forcing you to marry him

You were out with Milo and Cassia, your two best friends,  at the market, when Senator Corvus came into the market as well.  He saw how more beautiful you were than Cassia and he knew that he MUST HAVE YOU as his wife and rule together side by side as the King and Queen of Rome.  "Graecus!"  "Yes sire."  "You see that young female with the h/l, h/c hair, s/c (skin color) and the e/c eyes?" "Yes sire. I do." "Listen closely. I want you to abduct her and bring her to my castle.  And do what you must to keep those two "friends" of hers away!" He said. "Very well, Senator. I will not fail you."  He said.  

As night began to fall, all of you went to enjoy the nighttime sky, when Graecus and Corvus' men showed up.   "We've come in peace." Graecus said. "You work for Corvus. How can we trust you?" Milo said as  he pulled out his dagger. "I've brought a peace offering. The finest wine in all of Rome." He said as Milo and Cassia took a slip, only to get knocked out by a sleeping potion. "As for you. You're coming with us." He said.  "What makes you think that I'm coming with you?" You said. "My. I can why Senator Corvus wants to see you."  "Well tell your Senator that I WILL NOT BE SEEING HIM!"  "That's too bad, for I really didn't want to do this."  Graecus said as he ordered one of the soldiers to knock you out and rode back to the castle. When all of them returned with you, Graecus told the solider, who had to bring you to Senator Corvus' sleeping quarters, while he went to inform him that the plan of adducting you was a success. He went to his office, knowing that is where Corvus would be.

(*Knocks on the door*) "Enter

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(*Knocks on the door*) "Enter. Ah, Graecus. I take it that you've succeeded." "Yes Senator. The girl is in your chambers asleep."  "Good. Now start preparing for the wedding, for I'm going to be married by tonight." He said as he came into his sleeping chamber, where you laid on his bed, sleeping, ever so peacefully. "Soon you'll belong to me and rule by my side, y/n." He said as he kissed your head.  Meanwhile, Milo and Cassia had just woken up and found themselves in prison.  "Let us out!" "Not in your lifetime, slave." Corvus said as he chuckled. "What have you done with y/n?!" "That's none of your concern." "If you done any harm to her, I'll KILL YOU." "(Chuckles) You don't have the balls or the guts to challenge me, boy.  Plus I have more important matters to attented to." "Please Senator. Let us go." Cassia begged him. "Alright. I'll let both of you go... To Hell!" He said as he left and told the guards to keep Milo and Cassia locked up until after the wedding was over and have them work as slaves to him and his soon to be new queen.  Back in Corvus' sleeping chamber, you were waking up, when you saw him standing in the doorway.  

"Where am I and why am I here?" You asked, angrily

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"Where am I and why am I here?" You asked, angrily. "You're in my sleeping chambers, for you're going to be married." Corvus said.  "And who is it that I'm going to be marrying?" "You'll be marrying the Senator." Graecus said. "Over my dead body!" You said as you tried to run away, but got captured by a guard.  "(Chuckles) You're feisty. I like that, but YOU ARE GOING TO MARRY ME, for I have something that might be precious to you." He said. "What's that?"  "Your "friends." He said as he took a slip of wine. "You're a liar! Milo and Cassia are on their way here to kick your ass!" You said.   "Oh. A liar am I? Well then I guess these two aren't your friends then." He said as a guard brought them up. "Milo! Cassia! What have you done to them?!" "Nothing... yet. But if you VALUE THEIR LIVES, YOU WILL MARRY ME or THEY DIE. So what's it going to be, Y/n? Do you marry me or do you  send your friends to their graves?"  "You're a MONSTER & no matter what I, Y/n L/n will NOT MARRY YOU!!!" You yelled.  "Then say goodbye to your pathic friends!" Corvus said as you yelled "stop!"  "(Quietly) I'll marry you." "What was that?" "I said I'll marry you!" "Good." "Y/n, don't do it! You know Corvus is just using you!" Milo said. "Silence, slave! You've made the right choice my queen. Now get ready for we wed at midnight." He said to you.  "Take the slaves back to cell and teach the boy that he doesn't talk to the queen, unless spoken to." He said as they all left, so you could get ready.  (Time skip to the wedding)

As the wedding began, you had to remember that you were doing this for your friends, not for Corvus' own sick game

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As the wedding began, you had to remember that you were doing this for your friends, not for Corvus' own sick game.  As you walked down the aisle, all you could think about was your friends. "There's my new bride to be." Corvus said. After the wedding, he forced you to kiss him as everyone celebrated the wedding.

Once the celebration was over,  you and your new "husband" had gotten ready for the honeymoon

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Once the celebration was over,  you and your new "husband" had gotten ready for the honeymoon.  "So what are you going to do me now, Corvus?" "Well since we're now husband and wife, I think a little prince should be in the making."  He said.   "I'm not giving you a child, so you can corrupt his/her mind and raise him/her like you!" You hissed.  "To bad. Then your friends die!" "No! You told me if I married you, you'd let them go."  "Well I decided to add on to our little deal. So the choice is yours. Either give me a heir to rule over Pompeii or I'll kill your friends before your eyes!"  He said as your eyes filled with tears, for your life was torn between saving your friends and obeying a corrupt Roman Senator, who is now your husband.  

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