Chapter 23

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Anna's POV

''Sofia? Sofia?'' I called after her, but I was just met with empty room. I went in the bathroom to check up on her but she wasn't there.

A few minutes ago she told me that she will bring her sketchbook and pencils for us to draw. I searched around the halls but couldn't find her.

''Sofia, come out!'' I yell a bit, but nothing even made a noise. I started breathing heavily at the thought something happened.

I hurried in my room and picked up my phone. I called Edward and waited for a few minutes before I heard his voice.

''Hi baby.''
''Edward something is wrong. I can't find Sofia anywhere. I searched through her room and all the halls, but I couldn't find her.'' I start to cry out of frustration.
''What do you mean? Baby, calm down. I'm coming right now.'' He said and I heard shuffling of the keys before he hung down.

I took deep breaths as I sat on the bed. I rubbed my already four months  stomach to calm down. Where is my daughter?

I couldn't stop crying with all diffrent thoughts that were passing through my head. Who took her? There is only one person who could do such a thing. A whore.

After some time, Edward rushed in a room. I ran to him and hugged him tightly. He caressed my hair as I sobbed in his chest.

''Baby calm down and explain to me what happened.'' He sat on a bed and pulled me on his lap.
''I was playing with her and she wanted to draw. So she went in her room to take her sketchbook and pencils. I was waiting for her for about ten minutes and she still didn't come back. I went to look for her but I couldn't find her.'' I sobbed louder.

He pulled me to his chest.
''I will find our daughter. Don't worry.'' He kissed my temple.
''You get some rest and I will take care of everything.''

He laid me on a bed and kissed my bump. He gave me soft kiss and covered me up. I watched as he left the door and slammed it loudly.

Edward's POV

I was beyond livid. Whoever took my daughter away from me will pay. I rushed into the security room where all cameras are.

I reversed video for about an hour ago and observed closely. I stopped the video when I saw female figure in the black hoodie with cap trying to cover her face.

After some time I saw her carrying unconcious Sofia and carefully looking around if someone saw her but right there I catched her face. It was that whore who took my daughter.

I slammed my fist on a table letting my frustration out. I will put her behind the bars once I find her. How dare she even touch my princess yet she kidnapped her. I called police and told them what happened.

I arranged my bodyguards to start searching for her. At least it won't be hard to find her since this happened less than two hours ago and we have footage of her.

I just hope my little girl won't get hurt or scared. I'm so worried and angry at the same time. I went to check up on Anna to see if she is okay. I don't want my other child to be hurt too.

I entered the room and saw her laying on the bed with her back facing me. I got closer and sat behind her. She turned around slowly with her protruding stomach.

''Is there any sign?'' She asked me sniffling.
''It was her. She took her. I already called the police. They will find them soon.'' I rubbed her stomach slowly.
''If I came with her, this wouldn't have happened.'' Tears fell on her cheeks.
''Don't blame yourself, baby. Nobody knew she would take her.'' I caressed her cheek gently and kissed her.

''Get some sleep.'' I wiped her tears and she turned to the side. She was falling asleep as I was stroking her hair. I hate to see her hurt like this and she is also carrying our baby. She also can't stress too much, but this must shook her.

I went to take a shower and change my clothes. After I finished, I left to my police station to check on their work. I will definitely get my daughter back by tomorrow.

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