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After the God awful dinner that no one should even have to attend the youngest of my new brothers left and I was left with Reuben and Alexi, who were at the moment staring at me intensely.

"I don't feel the need to talk to you in my office as I'm sure you will understand us both perfectly." Alexi stated, giving me the same cold expression as Reuben's blank expression morphed into an angry one.

Bipolar? Most likely.

"First, and most importantly, you are not to go into the basement as that is where me and most of your other brothers work." He lent back in his chair and folded his arms over his chest, voice still monotone.

I nodded and ignored Reuben who was annoying me. I don't know what I did but it must have been something as he looks like he's ready to jump over the table and wring my neck.

"Second, you will not disrespect any of your brothers." He added, emphasising the 'not' most likely referring to Damon if the time comes. Which I did not, in the slightest, want to come.

Again, I nodded and waited.

"Thirdly, I've already talked to your old school and I'm concerned about your grades. The principal filled me in on his plan to hold you back a year. That will not be happening in your new school so I expect you to raise your grades to a 4.0." He stated, looking me directly in the eyes.

I'm sorry what? 4.0. Bitch, you have more chance of draining the Mississippi with a straw.

"Next, I've heard about your history of talking back to people and feeling the need to knock other kids out...that will have to stop." He continued, but I didn't miss his lips twitch upward at the knocking people out part. Dare I say...he was slightly proud.


I pushed the least likely thing to happen out of my head and waited for his next rule that I would most definitely slip up on.

"From tomorrow we expect verbal replies and, you will also be leaving to buy your new school supplies as well as clothes with Reuben." He announced.

I'm sorry, did he just say Reuben. The second brother I don't plan to piss off. Help me.

"S-sure." I replied, attempting to regain my confidence that had flew out the window the moment I recieved that glare from Damon only around 10 minutes ago.

"Good, now get some sleep." He stated, standing up and taking his plate to the dishwasher.

I pushed my chair back and let a sigh escape me before trudging back to my room. Silently cursing that Damon's room was next to mine, I pushed my door open, locked it, unlocked it in case my brothers have to talk to me, then flopped down on the bed. I immediately regretted it though when a surge of pain hit me.

I winced. Slowly lifting myself back off the bed, I pulled the bottles I had under my bed out and twisted the caps off. I took two pain killers and one sleeping pill, to keep the nightmares at bay.

Dry swallowing them was annoying but I pushed the bottles back under the bed after sealing the caps again and got to an upright position in my bed after putting my only pair of pyjamas on.

Newfound worries filled my head before the darkness finally took me.


"Wake up."

"Wake up."

"Wake the fuck up."

At that, my eyes slowly opened and adjusted to a frustrated Reuben. I turned my head to the alarm that that read 10:30. I was supposed to be up half an hour ago.

Not wanting to frustrate the second most angry brother I shot up. Once I had 2 feet plastered on the ground another pain hit me. My hand instinctively flew to my ribs.

I bit my lip to hold back a wince and warily took a glance at my second eldest brother. He gave me a confused and concerned look.


"I just need to get dressed, I'm sorry for waking up late." I told him, dropping my hand idly by my side and mentally pleading him to not ask anything and leave.

He hesitantly nodded and continued to the door, giving me a final glance before closing it behind him. A sigh of relief left my mouth as I dropped to my knees carefully before taking the painkillers from under my bed.

Quickly, I gulped two down and made my way to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and pulled on an old t-shirt that had a mini rip in the sleeve. Then I put on a baggy pair of sweatpants and tied my converse.

As fast as humanly possible, in order not to make anyone mad, I rushed downstairs. Reuben was stood at the front door rocking back and forth on his heels.

"I'm here." I rushed out and stood in front of him. He studied me carefully before hesitantly opening the door to let me out. I followed behind him until we came to another sleek black car, almost identical to the one I was picked up with from the airport. I was about the slide into the back seat before he told me to sit in the front.

I nodded and sat next to him.

The entire car ride after was silent. Both of us exchanged quick glances but said nothing else. Surprisingly he was a good driver and we got to the town centre within 15 minutes.

"What do you want to buy first?" He questioned, looking down at me as we stopped in front of a random clothing shop.

"Clothes I" I stated, forgetting to read the sign on the door.

He lifted an eyebrow and I turned around, letting out a small gasp when I saw what kind of store I just suggested to go in.

"You want to go to a lingerie store?" He asked, I could practically see the smirk on his face. I spun back around on my heels and strolled forward.

He caught up quickly and I made sure to read the sign on the next store we came to before asking him if we could go in there.

Reuben nodded and we looked around for awhile. I found some nice black jeans and a basic hoodie I thought looked good.

"Hey...urm...what do you think of this." I slurred out, disregarding the questioning stares I was getting from people walking by me.

He craned his neck to look at me and I held it up. He swiftly nodded when something came to mind.

"How will I pay for this?" I asked, utterly confused. I had no money.

He rolled his eyes at me before walking toward me and taking the new clothes in my hands from me.

"Our money is yours now Victoria."

At that I let out a real gasp of shock. This was not what I expected. I was about to object but he beat me to it by throwing a random oversized hoodie at my face.

I caught it as it dropped and furrowed my eyebrows.

He shrugged and continued to throw random clothes at me...surprisingly he knew exactly what I would wear.

Jeans, hoodies...the classics for me.

Something caught my attention though, Reuben was looking through a hoodie rack to the side but I could feel someone watching me.

I spun around again to catch someone briskly walking away from the large windows. A woman, with long ginger hair. I caught her staring but as soon as I did she was gone.

What the hell?


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