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We all gave a pointed look to Wyatt before everyone continued the madness.

"ENOUGH." Alexi shouted, losing his composure for just a second. It worked though, as everyone but Damon and Reuben quieted.

"Zane, take them two out."

Before he even got close to them, they stormed out, closely followed by Conan.

Alexi stared down at me with cold eyes.

"Who. Did. This?"

I shook my head and looked up at the ceiling. I wasn't going to answer, they had already gotten enough out of me for one day.


I shook my head again as my eyes glossed over.

"Leave." Alexi commanded, looking at the rest of our brothers.

"What no!." Creed said, angrily.


They left the room, Zane pushing a reluctant Creed the entire way.

"Victoria. I need you to tell me who did this." My eldest brother spoke softly and for a minute I thought I had heard something wrong.

His cold eyes were gone and now filled with concern.

I went to speak but I stopped myself.

"I cant."

"You can, please Vic." He pleaded, obviously trying a different approach.

I just shook my head no, once again.

Silence filled the room before he breathed a name out.


My head snapped in his direction and I immediately attempted to get up, it failed though, as he pushed my back down gently. Anger replaced concern and I thought over how he knew everything.

He paced for a while before coming to a halt, shaking his head in frustration and anger. He muttered something that I just managed to hear.

A colourful vocabulary of what he would do Logan if he was still alive.

He sighed and called Adrian in, asking him to bring water and painkillers in.

He returned a minute later and Alexi helped me sit up, as well as passing me the water and 2 small tablets before pulling Adrian aside.

I took them and pressed the ice pack against my ribs again.

Wyatt and Callan walked in, sitting at each side of me then pulling me into a gentle group hug.

I smiled at them as they released me with a sad look on their face when something came to mind.

"Were you actually going to get a wooden spoon?" I asked Wyatt and he just grinned mischievously, mentioning something about his secrets never being found out.

We silenced just as Alexi asked if Reuben and Damon were still here.

"Damon supposedly went to the gym and Reuben went on a run." He answered, probably not sure if that was the truth.

"Dashi run run run." I mumbled amused at myself.

"What?" Callan questioned and I shook my head as Alexi walked over.

"You should try and get some more sleep?" He stated, cold exterior back in full swing.

I nodded and stood up slowly.

"Can you walk?" He asked hesitantly.

"What does it look like I'm doing, I'm not 90 yet." I rolled my eyes, the sleep deprivation getting to me.

Wyatt chuckled and Alexi shook his head disapprovingly, letting the backchat slide for now.

I made my way upstairs, gripping the banister for support.

As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out.


The next morning, or should I say afternoon, seeing as everyone slept till 12 was filled with tense air.

I hadn't seen Damon but Wyatt insisted he was in quiet time or something.

Reuben didn't look at me once during lunch and I just read my book for about an hour before Zane wandered in from somewhere.

I looked up at him just as he was about to say something but his phone rang, causing him to leave and I returned to being engrossed in my book.

I looked up at him just as he was about to say something but his phone rang, causing him to leave and I returned to being engrossed in my book

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I walked out the room and picked up the phone, hearing Reuben.

"You need to come to Alexi's office." He stated, in a tone that meant something was happening.

"I'm on my way." I said and he hung up.

"Rude tattooed oaf." I muttered, walking down the hall.

I had been doing my best to distract myself from the fact someone had the guts to lay a hand on my sister. Alexi had only told Reuben who it was, as he stated us younger brothers couldn't handle it.

I opened the door and saw everyone else already there.

"What'd I miss?"

"Remember what Conan said last night?" Alexi started, looking at all of us.

"Fuck." Creed breathed out, running a hand over the side of his face.

We all had the same expression and we waited for him to tell us what would happen now.

"There's no reasoning with them. I've called everyone else and let them know what's happening. Vince said they'll plan out something strategically so we need to be careful. Don't let Victoria out of you sight and be more careful once she begins school." Alexi stated in his business tone and we nodded in understanding.

We would handle this, but each one us knew it wouldn't end well if they attempted some revenge.

No one would hurt our baby sister, we'd make sure of it after failing once.

...Who do you think they are?

Hope you enjoyed even though this chapter was shorter than the rest.

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