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Wyatt came up to us with a sympathetic look spread across his face

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Wyatt came up to us with a sympathetic look spread across his face.

"As much as it warms my heart to see thing much awaited reunion, your about to be late Vic." He stated, I sighed after a silent debate.

"I'll see you later Hunter." I said and walked away with Wyatt after a quick goodbye.

"Ok, now tell my why." I said, crossing my arms and he huffed.

"Only Alexi can explain, he will once we get home. Just be...on edge when you see him and don't leave with telling us." This was the most serious Wyatt had ever sounded so I listened.

We picked up my timetable and he led me to my first class, English. So I wasn't that bothered.

"Let me know if anyone does anything." He said and I nodded, walking in.

The teacher looked up and she looked quite old. With mostly gray hair, a few black streaks and short.

"Victoria Hunt?" She asked and I nodded again.

"You can take a seat next to Grace." She said, pointing to girl sat at the back of the class. Grace looked up and I noticed she had pale green eyes with black hair.

I sat down next to her and she didn't say anything. I took my books out before offering my hand.

She looked stunned but hesitantly shook it after a moment. Immediately after, she returned to writing things down.

The lesson dragged, with me not listening to anything the teacher said and staring into space. When the bell finally rang, Grace spoke after having an internal battle.

"Uh, do you want to sit with me and my friends at lunch, since your new?" She asked quietly and I nodded quickly. I was not accustomed to friends in the past two years.

She smiled and showed me to my next class since she had the same. Again, it was beyond boring and I fantasised about living on a tropical island in a mansion with endless smoothies.

Soon enough, lunch came around and we walked into the cafeteria. I noticed the triplets already sat in the middle of the room with many people around them.

Grace showed me to a table in the corner of the room where two boys sat, bickering with eachother.

"And she arrives." One with blonde hair and brown eyes says.

"No shit, and, with a newcomer." The next smiles, he has blue eyes and black hair.

I take a seat next to her and she quickly introduces everyone.

"Victoria, Kai." She says, pointing to the brown eyed boy. I nod, smiling and we exchange hellos.

"And that's Colt. He's 15 and in our year because he was held back. So he's dumb." She says, and Kai chuckles while the other rolls his eyes.

He offers his hand and I shake it. Maybe we could get along seeing as I was threatened with being held back a year.

"You'll also realise he is the most annoying person in the school." Kai says and I laugh. I personally thought that title belonged to Damon but let's see.

I notice the room silence and Grace's and Kai's eyes widen. I give them a puzzled look before I'm startled by two hands on my shoulders.

"Victoria." I know that voice.

"Yes Demon." I say, simply because it came to mind and Wyatt chuckles while Callan shakes his head.

He completely shrugs off my comment and his grip on my shoulders tightens.

"Making friends?" He asks and I nod slowly, regretting having said anything.

"Grace, Kai and Colt." I say, gesturing to each of them.

"Good, anyway, enjoy your day." He says sarcastically and I roll my eyes.

As Wyatt passes me he says something.

"I totally agree with that name change though. Suits him well." I laugh and Damon slaps him upside the head as they walk back to their table.

"They, are your brothers?" Kai asks and I nod.

"Jeez." Grace says and I chuckle.

"Love the name." Colt says and we laugh together.

After a while of talking about random things, the bell goes and I walk to my next classes with Colt since he was in the same ones.

By the last lesson though, we end up getting kicked out for disruption. Honestly it wasn't that bad, I was playing with a pencil and I accidentally flicked it, unknowing of the fact it would hit Mr. Smith in the face. Colt ended up accidentally tripping him when he moved his leg.

Therefore, that is why we were sat outside on the grass, bored as ever.

"My brothers are going to kill me." I say and he chuckles.

"Do you have your phone on you?" He asks after a while and I nod, taking it out of my pocket.

"I'll add you to our group chat." He says and I pass him the phone, keeping an eye out for any stray brothers.

"I was in juvie."

I turn my head, looking at him with a shocked expression. He sits up from his laying down position and I nod slowly.

"Why?" I question after a minute.

"I uh, I put a guy in a coma." He says and my eyes widen.

Not exactly what your new friend tells you about themselves. I didn't want to jump to conclusions so I waited for him to continue.

"He sold drugs to my mother, she ended up overdosing on them." He sighed, his eyes flashing with sadness.

I thought about it for a minute. If it was tiffany or Katie or whatever that poor excuse for a mother was called, I wouldn't have cared. But if it was my real mother, I probably would have done the same, so I understood.

"Well, in a time of revelations," I began and he looked up. I rolled the sleeve of my shirt up, showing the scar from when that glass shard impaled me.

"What the hell happened?" He asked, leaning forward to gently grab my arm.

"My father." I simply replied and his jaw dropped.

"Can I go kill a bitch?" He asked and I laughed.

"He's already dead, it was a car accident." I said, and then something came into my mind. It was an absurd thought and I had no evidence to prove it. But, what if it wasn't an accident.


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