Chapter 14

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Chapter 14:

Alex's Point Of View:

I let out a laugh.

"What? Have you guys gone crazy?" I say still laughing,"I'm not dating Piper's brother."

"Yes you are," Piper says firmly."And 'half-brother'!"

"No I'm not! I will never ever date Dylan Fields!" I say, then adding,"No offence Pipes."

"I've heard that before, it's okay," Piper shrugged.

I sighed,"Guys, how will dating Dylan help?"

"Nico will get jealous and proclaim his undying love for you!" Hazel said excitedly, clapping her hands.

I raise an eyebrow at her words as she blushes, and settles down.

"Woah, woah... What about the fact that he's with Ally? And he likes her? And he's kissed her?" I say, a bit of sadness and anger in my voice.

"Eh, who cares?" Hazel shrugged.

"I do! I care," I say.

"Well, whatever you say, you're dating Dylan Fields and that's final!"

They don't let me argue any further. They arrange a time for me to meet Dylan and Annabeth takes me away from the very excited Piper, Mya and Hazel.

"It's going to be fine. All you have to do is flaunt him around!" Annie assures me.

But that doesn't stop my heart from beating a mile per second. Dylan was known for playing with the hearts of many girls, and even though this was going to was fake, I couldn't help but wonder what will happen.

You guys can meet at the campfire they had said. In front of Nico they had said. Oh gods. I'm so dead.


"Alex! Meet Dylan!"

It was after dinner and the entire camp surrounded the campfire, singing and talking. Piper had kept her promise and was now making me shake hands with Dylan.

"Hey Alex!" Dylan winked before sitting down. Dylan was a gorgeous boy of fourteen. Warm, chocolate brown eyes with golden specks, soft black hair and shaped pink lips.

"Hey," I say simply. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Nico staring at us, his fists clenched whilst Ally tried to talk to him. Why is he clenching his fists?

"Soo," I drag out my words.


"Look, I'm sorry for having you dragged into this," I say casually, trying to start a conversation.

"It's okay. Gotta' help your damsels in distress once in a while eh?" Dylan said, as I laugh. We keep on talking about random things and I learn that he's actually pretty nice. He was pretty good friends with the Stolls and apparently he helped them in most of their pranks. Speaking of the devils.

"HI ALEX!" Connor and Travis scream and I fall off my seat.

Mya, who had been sitting nearby with Leo laughed loudly.

"Gods! Stop doing that you idiots!" I smack Travis upside the head.

"Oww! He scared you too!" Travis whined like a little kid as Connor laughed.

"Eh," I give Connor a look that I think was scary. "I'll let Percy loose on him."

Connor visibly gulped at the mention of my over-protective brother. Seriously, Percy would tear each limb of someone who would hurt me, at least, that's what he said for Nico.

"So Connor, how's Rachel?" I move my eyebrows up and down suggestively as Connor blushes at the mention of the red haired girl.

"Puh-lease," Travis raised his voice a pitch. "Gurlfrand, they hang out allll the time! It's like totes annoying!"

I give Travis a look whilst everyone stares at him weirdly.

"You are weirder than Leo. And that's saying something," Mya shook her head as Leo cried falsely. "Oh shut it you!" She slapped Leo upside the head and Leo enveloped her into a bear hug.

Awww, they're so cute!

Dylan and I continued talking till the end of the bonfire and walked back to the cabins together. We had planned to meet up in the morning before breakfast and go for a walk.

After Dylan left me at the cabin, I was about I go in before I felt someone looking at me. Turning around, I saw Nico's eyes trained on me.

I feel myself shiver, not because of the fact that he was watching me, but because his look gave me feelings I shouldn't be having. Not after what he had done.

I turn swiftly on my heel and closing the cabin door, I slide to the floor, letting the tears fall.


Hello! So does everyone want to kill me? Not yet? Well that's good.

Anyway, please vote and comment! I hope you liked this chapter, grammatical mistakes and all.

Thank you so much for the love and support! If you didn't know, I read every single comment and creep on the people who have like the funniest comment ever. It makes me so happy when people say "I love you!" or "This is the best story ever! Please update!" because it means that you guys really like this :))

Until next time guys ;))

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