××××××Chapter 3××××××

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Hey! (☆▽☆)
Thanks for the people who are reading this! (灬º‿º灬)♡
Also I noticed that you could write Beastman and also Beast man, it has the same meaning. I do not know which one is better so sorry if I use sometimes the one and then the other.(๑•﹏•)
Sorry that it is so late my dog, Yves, died .....·´¯'(>▂<)´¯'·.

Enjoy ♥️

POV Iasai:

Before I could see more, something pressed on my chest and I could not breath anymore.

I tried to push the weight of my chest, but I can't. My body has not enough strength in it. So I did the only thing I could do as a baby. Cry.

"Wahhh..." The cry was not really loud more like a whisper.

Now that I think about in this life or in my former life I never really shouted. I always whispered and the normal speaking way was for me already really loud and when others shouted... Yes I always though that I did something wrong even if they spoke normal. That I may even do not have the muscle for screaming.

What a sad life.. I lived...but now I have a new life where I have a better life. I hope...

About my former life... I don't like to think about it. It's influencing my mind to think that this life is the same as my last and I start to think depressingly about everything and everyone.

While thinking I whisper cry sounds, but the air I can get to cry gets fewer and fewer. When I thought to lose my consciousness the door opens and my mom comes in.

POV Cleopatra (mom from Iasai):

My Babys are soo fricking cute! Ahhhh~~

"wahhh..." A softly cry comes out Milia and Iasai room. Which only could come from Iasai, because if Milia is crying the whole mansion would know.

Iasai rarely crys with voice so it has to be important.

I ran into the room, to see Milia sleeping. With her arm on Iasai's chest.

I think I know why Iasai is crying. Milia hit him in the sleep.

I go next to my son's side and lift him up. So that Milias arm is not on him anymore.

As Iasai smooth down in my embrace, I look more accurate at him.

Mhhhh.... is my son ill or something... While Milia is almost crawling, Iasai have not even opened his eyes.

" Selin! Please call a Doctor for Iasai!" I shout with panic in my eyes.

Once the Doctor came I ran, with Iasai in my arms, to next him.

"Doctor! Doctor! Look at Iasai! I am scared that something is wrong with him. Milia is almost crawling and Iasai is not even opening his eyes!" My paniced voice echos through the room.

I wondered, while the Doctor looked at Iasai, why I did not notice it earlier. It could be something bad.

POV Iasai:

The Doctor, I think, checks if everything is alright with my new body, without touching me. Still not fully understanding what is happening, makes me scared and I start to tremble.

My eyes open up again to see what they are doing. Before I heard my ney mum say that my sister could almost crawl and I do nothing. Now she is worried and it is all my fault.

When my eyes got used to the light. I saw a older man, maybe in his fifty's. He had dark blue eyes, which are like the deep sea, and round glasses on his nose. As I looked at his full face my fear is slowly vanishing. The face of the older man is not like that from an old man more like an old animal, a wolf to be exact.

While I looked at the wolf man, I wanted to touch him, but thinking that this would be improper I let it be.

Mhhhh... He seems to be a beast man, so I am in the Beastman Kingdom which means I am also a beast man. Except all Kingdoms have peace and everyone is welcomed everywhere, which is impossible with humans. Or it could be that he is a slave... No, that should not be because he has the Doctor title and a slave would not get such thing... My god those Novels are really practically here. Hehe I could surprise everyone with such knowledge as a not-even-one-year-child.

When I stoped thinking and got in the reality again the Doctor Wolf was gone and the Bunny woman in front of me looked relieved. Then she came closer to me and lifted me up.

I think she is my Mum, because of this feeling of being safe is here again.

The woman, I think that is my Mum, was gorgeous. She looked like a human but also not really. I mean her face was like that of a human except her nose, which is a mix out of human and animal nose. Her eyes were round and big with the color crimson red. Her long hair was snow white and slightly arched. On top of her head were animal ears, bunny ears also in snow white, which is normal that the hair and ears are in the same color. At least that I think with my knowledge about Beastman's.

"Thank Goddess, nothing is wrong with you baby. You scared me there Iasai, please be more active." Mummy said with a soft voice.

Her face was near mine and so I grabbed her nose.

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