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Elle McBriar
May 5th, 1 year and 162 days since the first zombie report

The force of the impact was so strong, I was thrown into the water. 

Along with other dangerous flying metals that were soaring through the water. 

I pushed my arms to the surface, although I don't think I'm making much progress. I kicked my legs as I began to run out of air.

When I reached the top, my lungs were about deflated as they re-filled with the luxurious, burning air. The sky was black as the smell of burning rubber and flesh was scattered about.

I hauled myself to the top of the wooden wharf as I lay on my back, letting myself breath again.

What the fuck just happened?

I coughed and spluttered for air, still tasting the metallic taste of blood pierce my tongue. 

My clothes were cold and wet and sticking to my skin as I involuntarily shivered.

"You look rough." A voice said.

I recognised it, but I don't know where from, "God, is that you?" I mumbled, opening my eyes.

The shadow of a person was cast over me as I could barely see. I must be getting a black eye, "Come on miss, we need to get out of here. That car is going to explode at any minute and we don't want to be here when it does." 

I was lifted up and groaned in pain. Everything hurts.

"I know, I'm sorry. It'll be better soon, I promise." 

Something wet was placed against my forehead as I limped away from the explosion.

I felt the need to throw up everything after every step I took.

I took the wet cloth off my forehead and blinked my eyes a couple times, finally adjusting to the light, "Oh my God. E-Elaine?" I whispered, seeing the side of her head, "Hi there." She said, a smile finding it's way to her face, "Where the hell did you come from? That's evil." I laughed, crying a little from the pain in my ribs.

"I followed these guys out here. When Mason found me, we wanted to know where you guys were. So I told him- sorry about that." I shrugged, "He's dead now. Continue." "I figured he wanted to find you so I hi-jacked a car and followed them here. You wouldn't believe the shit I went through to get here." She said.

I turned around and watched the fire ablaze, "I kind of have an idea."

* * * 

I can't believe Elaine is here! Actually here! 

"I thought you said you had to stay with the others?" I asked her.

She had taken me in the car she took to get her as we drove away from the scene. We were hiding out in a supermarket a long ways away from the house.

"I had too, otherwise they would know something was up. But Tracy told me what she did and I knew I had to get out of there. I spent months crafting and planning everything. One by one, I slowly poisoned each of them. Starting with maintenance, nurses, and then the cooks. So they didn't suspect anything." 

I nodded, listening to her story, "Tracy found out what I was doing and she wanted to help, but I told her no, that it would be too suspicious. So she told on me. Since there were only a few of us left, no one could do anything. But when Mason came, he stormed the place and demanded to know where you were." 

"He didn't know his mother was alive so he threw a grenade into the room and killed all of them except me."

"Oh my God I'm so sorry." She shrugged, "Don't be sorry. I'm just glad I didn't have to do it." She laughed.

The sky was officially dark now and all I could think of was if the others were okay? Alex, Paxton, Riley? Are they safe.

"Elaine we have to get back, I have to see if they're okay." 

I tried to stand but I couldn't. My knees buckled under me and I fell, "Be careful Jesus fucking hell, idiot." Elaine screamed, running to my aid, "We have to go, please. Alex was alone and he doesn't know I'm alive, please. They'll be so happy to see you." 

She sighed, "Fine- fine. Only because you're getting worse and bleeding all over the floor." She grimaced and made a face at the blood stain on the floor, "There are bandages in this store, you realise." I puffed, almost passing out as soon as I stood up.

"Yes I know but they are shitty Walmart bandages that won't do you justice. And what I said before about you looking rough, you look like absolute shit." She giggled.

I didn't have the strength to hit her so I just glared, "You're probably right. Because I feel like I've been run over with a truck and then dragged for miles on a bed of fire."


We made it to the car as I fell into the front seat, sighing as the pressure was taken off my wounds, "Okay, directions, I need directions."

"Uh, down Sycamore street, drive until you see a sign that says Clemont close and then drive up the weird windy driveway that makes everyone feel sick." I pointed, feeling tired.

"Got it. Now rest, please. If you die in my car, I'll bring you back to clean up the mess."

I ignored her comment and closed my eyes, complaining about every speed bump we hit and groaning about how much it hurt, "My God you never stop whining." Elaine mumbled, "Sorry that I'm in an immense amount of pain right now." I rolled my eyes.

See, even that hurt.

"The house with the lights on?" Elaine asked, "That's the one. Unless we have neighbors that I don't know about." 

The car rolled to a stop as the car door opened, stay here, "I'm going to get help." "I'm not going anywhere." I said sarcastically, leaning my head against the window.

"Elle? Baby, oh my God, you're okay, thank God." Paxton's sweet voice filled my ears as I tried to open my eyes, "It's okay, rest honey you're safe now." He pulled me to his chest as he carried me bridal style, hands under my legs and neck. I leaned my head against his chest as he headed inside.

I was floating in and out of consciousness as I was suddenly placed down, "You guys are violent. Be careful, this is precious cargo you're manhandling!" I squeaked, opening my eyes, "At least we know she's still herself." I heard someone mumble.

I tried to sit up but I was pushed back down again, "Stay laying down. Don't move." 

I rolled my eyes, "Bossy."

* * * 


okay, last chapter for tonight 

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