thirty three

922 43 4

Paxton Price
May 18th, 1 year and 175 days since the first zombie report

Today is the day.

Today, IS the day.

I woke up with butterflies in my stomach. Elle was sleeping next to me, half the blankets drifting off her body, leaving her chest and stomach exposed.

Her hair was filtering over her face and her gorgeous eyes were closed.

I stared at her for a while, admiring her beauty. She stirred in her sleep and her hand found my arm as she lay peacefully again.

My God shes beautiful.

I finally got up after staring at her for a creepy amount of time. I head down the stairs in just my jeans and see Alex standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"Hey man, how you feeling." Alex smirks, giving me a bro-hug. I shake my shoulders, "I'm nervous dude. But I'm excited. But nervous, what if she says no?" I bite my lip in suspense.

"She won't say no. She loves you."

Well I hope so, otherwise I'm screwed.

Penny comes up to me jumps up and down, squealing, "Shhh she might wake up." I say with an excited grin on my face, "Oh sorry." She whispers.

"Today's the day Paxton." Megan smiles, patting me on the back.

I stand in my the tips of my feet to reach the top of the cupboard. Thankfully, Elle doesn't know about this place.

I grab the old empty pasta box and pull out the velvet box that was inside.

"Can we see the ring?" Elaine squeals. I'm about to open it when I see Elle out
of the corner of my eye.

I quickly shove the box into my back pocket and stand stiffly in front of the wall.

"Morning." She yawns. I can't help but eye her over. Her sexy legs that are bare aside from some little boy shorts and my shirt.

"Why are you guys acting weird?" She glared, after realising we hadn't spoken.

Penny cleared her throat, "I've gotta pee." She left the room and so did Elaine, who not so subtly gave me the thumbs up.

"Hi. How'd you sleep?" I asked, kissing the top of her head. She shrugged, "Okay. I have a sore mouth so I think my wisdoms teeth are coming in." She

She rubs her chin and leans her sleepy head against my chest. Yep, love.

"Why are you shirtless?" She asks, I smirk, "I mean I'm not complaining I'm just wondering. It's cold."

"My shirts are either dirty or on your body, so you tell me."

After breakfast, I pull Alex aside and tell him to distract Elle for a few minutes while I take something from the room without her knowing.

"Hey babe, Alex and I are gonna go look for a light fixture for the foyer, be back soon okay?"

I bid her goodbye and began to work on the surprise.

* * *

It was a little after 2pm when I had finally finished with everything.

Alex and Elle has gotten back just under 20 minutes ago and I almost got caught.

I got into the house, seeing my beautiful girlfriend sitting on the kitchen counter.

"Hi." I smiled, she smiled up at me, "I'm bored. Can we do something?" She wiggled her eyebrows, "God, I've turned you into a sex addict." I groaned, rubbing her shoulders.

"Yes, you have. But I didn't mean that. I mean like go for a walk or a drive or something."

"Sure. You wanna look around Cavetown?"

Cavetown is a small area inside Washington that we haven't explored yet. I've seen bits of it and it looks nice.

She nods, "Yeah, that could be cool."

I take her hand and we get into the car, driving along the smooth roads, in silence.

"This is nice. Just the two of us." She sighs, leaning her head on the glass of the window. The sun was making a shadow on her face.

"It is isn't it? I wish we could get our own place, I do."

She frowned and continued to look out the window.

As I was driving, a low pitched hum began to ring in my ears, Elle looked at me then scrunched up her face, blocking her ears.

"Do you feel that?" She said. I nodded.

"What was that? Like a vibration?"

A beep came through on my radio and Elle called it, "Hey, you guys okay?" She asked, "Yeah, did you guys hear that vibration noise?"

Elle looked at me with wide eyes, "Yeah actually, why?"

"Just wondering. Gage is crying and Riley is complaining about an earache. So I was just wondering if you heard it."

"Yeah. We'll turn around, come back to make sure everything is secure." I called through, "Okay. See you soon."

I sighed and turned the car around, driving back along to the house.

"Pax."Elles sweet voice said, "Yes my love."

"If we ever move out, can we get a house by the water. I love the beach, I've always wanted to move there." She sighed.

"Of course. You can have any house you want." She grinned at me and held my
hand as we drove up the hill to our house.

I parked, got out, and went inside. Where the rest of our family was already inside.

"Sorry we ruined your date." Riley shrugged, "It's alright little dude, we didn't get very far." Elle smiled.

"Okay, buzzing noise, you guys heard it?" I nodded, "It more of a vibration to me. I've been hearing at night sometimes, it keeps me up." Elle shrugged, "Me too actually. It sounds electronic, almost."

"I mean, we could ask the Wangs if they've been hearing anything." I looked to Alex and his ridiculous idea, "What if they're the ones causing it, idiot."

"Hey, it's not a bad idea. But I got bad vibes from that place so if we're going, we all go together, okay?" I said sternly.

They nodded, "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go change." I stuttered.

I finally felt the nerves kick in as I headed up the stairs. I faintly heard Penny asking Elle if she wanted to go try on dresses with her and I smirked, knowing my
plan is working!

* * *

hey pretty people

let me know which POV you want the surprise to be in. elle or paxtons :)

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