twenty three

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Elle McBriar
May 14th, 1 year and 179 days since the first zombie report

I held my heels in my hands as I tip toed up the stairs, yawning the day away as I opened the door to our room.

Paxton wasn't far behind me as I chucked the shoes on the floor and took my hair out of the ponytail it was in.

"That was... eventful." I laughed, sitting myself on the bed, "It was definitely something." He agreed.

Paxton took his tie off and then his belt, rolling up his sleeves, "You look too good right now Pax." I giggled, biting my lip.

He rolled his eyes, "I haven't been able to keep my eyes off you all night. You're the one who looks good." He smirked, wiggling his eyebrows.

He took my hands and pulled me up so I was standing in front of him. I was about a foot shorter than him without shoes on.

He put his hands on my waist as I sling mine around his neck. "Dance with me birthday girl?" I forgot it was my birthday. I was so wrapped up in tonight that I forgot about everything else.

"Of course."

So we danced. With no music. Just each other and the light of the moon. The rest of the house was silent and sleeping, but not us. I swayed with him, and laughed as he told corny jokes.

He kissed my cheek and forehead and tickled me until I cried.

I love him so much it hurts.

I stood in the middle of the floor, my head resting against his chest, tiredness washing over us. "I love you in that dress babe but I'd much rather see you out of it." I giggled.

Slipping the shoulder strap of my dress down, I stepped out of the dress. Paxton's breath hitched as he eyed me up and down. "How'd I get so lucky with you?" He whispered.

I gasped when he picked me up by my ass and threw me on the bed, "Your birthday present can wait. I need you right now."

* * *

As I went downstairs the next morning, something I hadn't smelt in a long time filled my senses.

"Is that... pancakes?" I yelled excitedly, running into the kitchen. Penny jumped and growled at me for scaring her.

"Sorry Pen, but I smell pancakes."

Megan was standing by the stove, pushing a flat pancake with a spatula.

"You're a God, Meg." I sighed, hugging her, "We didn't get to do much for your birthday yesterday so we decided to celebrate it today."

Elaine came in and slapped a party hat on my head, the string pinging me under the chin, "What do you wanna do today?"

"I was thinking first we could get our nails done, then go for lunch and then come back and drink until we throw up." I said sarcastically, in a flirty voice.

"We can definitely achieve one of those things but I'm not sure about the others." They squealed. I shrugged, "I don't wanna do anything really. Just what we normally do."

"Which is?" Alex said, coming into the kitchen and eating a pancake WHOLE, "Sit around and do nothing."

"We don't do nothing. Last night wasn't nothing." Paxton swung just arm around Alex's neck and winked at me.

"Oh you guys, gross." Penny made a sour face. Gage started to cry and Megan quickly fussed about to feed him.

"I think it's great that you guys named him Gage. It really lets his memory live on." I smiled, poking my tongue out to the smiling baby. 

"We thought it was a nice idea. And besides, when he gets older, we can tell him the story of his Uncle." Alex smiled.

Riley came into the room, stomping his feet with his arms crossed, "I'm bored. And it's hot in here." He said angrily. I looked up at Alex who had a confused look on his face.

"So why are you angry?" Riley growled, "I don't know. I just am."

I giggled slightly and covered it with a cough, "So you said you wanted to show me my birthday present?" I said to Paxton, changing the subject.

"Oh yeah, come with me."

I closed my eyes and held his hand as he led me outside. It was in the backyard, I knew that by the amount of steps we had to take.

"It's almost done. The only thing we have to do is fill it."

I was confused when he said fill it, but I jumped for joy and excitement when I realised why.

"OH MY GOD." I screamed, clapping my hands.

There was a pool. An in-ground swimming pool, "Did you make this or was it already here?"

"It was already here. But since you're scared of this part of the backyard, you never came round here so you never knew about it."

I jumped into his arms and kissed his face, "I love it. I love you, thank you." His hands gripped my ass as his lips found mine. His kiss was soft and gentle, tender.

"Me and the guys fixed it up. It needed some new wood on the side and to fix the gaping hole but we tested it out. And it works, perfect for summer."

I glanced over at the pool again and my heart hammered in my chest. It was the size of a school classroom and I've never been more excited.

"Now all we need is a spa." I wiggles my eyebrows as the sexual inuendos I was trying to give off. He scoffed, "Trust me, I'm working on it."

I kissed him again, as his tongue delved onto my mouth. I moaned against him, "Okay lovebirds, wrap it up. We've got children in here." A voice called.

I ignored the voice and continued to kiss him, "We should probably go inside now." Paxton whispered between kisses, "I was breathless, "Did you guys hear me? H-hello? Oh fuck it, whatever."

Paxton picked me up and I threw my head back and laughed at the excited look on his face, "You're beautiful." He smiled.

"No you're beautiful." He frowned, "I'm manly." I shrugged, "You can be. When you're not being a big softy."

My back was pressed against the wall as his lips met mine again, "I'm not so soft anymore, am I."

I got the statement right away as his need for me grew on the inside of the thigh. I'm so glad I wore a dress today. My legs wrapped around his torso.

"Warn me when you're gonna scratch me next time, Alex gave me shit for that."

* * *

hii thereee

had to stop before it got a little too steamy ;)

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