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Your P.O.V.
I was riding bikes with Michiru and this other girl with pinkinsh hair throughout Anima City. Just like with Shirou, I didn't have a clue on who she was but I didn't question it. I felt like I knew her in the dream, so maybe it was a case of déjà vu, and I would know her in the future...

"(Y/n)...Wake up..." Michiru started whispering to me. I was confused. If I was on my bike, why did Michiru want me to wake up? "C'mon (Y/n), get up!" She said as she pushed me off my bike onto the sidewalk, I waited for the impact...

But, I woke up on the floor of my room. Michiru was standing right in front of me. "Oops, sorry (Y/n). Was my wake up procedure to forceful?" She asks.

I shake my head. "Nah, it's fine." I say standing up. I start to yawn but in the middle of doing so, I feel a sharp pain rush through my body. "Ouch, my ankle!" I say bending back down.

"Oh my gosh (Y/n), I'm so sorry! Do you need for me to get you someone to look at it?" She asks me concerned. I didn't want to make her worried so I just bushed off the pain.

"No, it's not broken so I'll be fine. Thanks for the concern, though."

"Of course, good friends care about each other right?" I smile, flashbacks of yesterday come into my mind. Michiru really was serious about wanting to be my friend.

"I have an idea! C'mon (Y/n), let's go eat breakfast together. Shirou will be there so this is your chance to get to know him. He's not all tough and grumpy all the time, you know." She says. I can feel my face start to get a little hot. What was I blushing for? I didn't know Shirou well, so why does the thought of him make me get shaky?

Before I could respond to her, we had already made it down to the room that she was talking about. "Wha-what? We're here?!" I shouted.

"Yep. You can grab some cereal or something if you want. Shirou should get down here to get some coffee to drink soon." I nodded and headed over to the kitchen.

After a while of sniffing, searching, and opening up cupboards and having to clean up the stuff that fell out of them, I found a bowl, a spoon, and some cereal. I would've grabbed some milk but I dissmissed the thought when I smelled it. It was expired. I would have to go out later and get some more to put in the fridge.

Dry cereal wouldn't taste too bad right? I took the bowl and make my way back to where Michiru was. I froze when I saw that Shirou was sitting on the left side of her. He took his eyes off of his coffee mug and looked at me. I faked a sneeze and sat down in a chair, hopefully that would stop him from thinking that I was looking at him.

"You people are weird." He says, taking another sip of his coffee.

"Hey, Shirou! We have feelings!" Michiru yelled to him. He looked like he was about to spit out his coffee because of how loud Michiru was being. I chuckled.

"So you thought that that was funny. Didn't you half dog?" He said referring to me. I froze again and started sweating. He could turn super scary in seconds.

"N-no sir..."

Michiru looked at me with worry. "Don't worry about him, (Y/n). He was just joking, it's okay. I laugh at him all of the time!" She says smiling. I look at Shirou again, and he starts to stand up.

"(Y/n)... that's your name. Anyway, if you're going to call me you don't have to do it by my last name. You would only have to do that if we were doing something business related together. But, since we are not, you should just say 'Shirou', like how the Tanuki girl does."

"Hey! Racoon...!" She interrupts.

Shirou sighs. "And, if you want to buy something you're going to have to work a job and get money. You can't just go around putting tabs in my name, like the Tanuki thief. I'm not running a charity. But if you do, I'll make you work to pay it off and I might just make you pay me double what you owe." He smirks and leaves the room.

"Work a job...?" I say out loud.

"Oh yeah! I've tried out a bunch of jobs, and right now I'm a basketball player. I don't know if that kind of thing works for you or not... But you should try it if you want too. Maybe you should do it after your ankle feels better though."

Oh right. I totally forgot that I hurt it this morning. It was already starting to feel better.

After I finished my cereal, I washed the bowl and the spoon. I came back into the room and I froze again when I noticed that Shirou was back in the room.

He sighs. "Change of plans. A thief has been reported stealing carrots from a grocery store."

"Carrots? What would someone want to steal those for?"

"I have word that the thief is a Rabbit beastman, so that might answer your question." He says walking towards the door.

"Wait, Shirou! Can (Y/n) come too?" She says walking up to him.

"Sure. But just know that you'll be responsible for her. Especially if she dies." Ouch. That hurt, I guess it will just take me some time before I break through that metal heart of his.

"Of course. I'm her friend, so naturally it's my responsibility to look out for her! C'mon (Y/n) let's go!" Michiru smiles back to me. I nod and follow the two of them out of the building.

This was going to be very interesting...


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