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Shirou's P.O.V.
I didn't understand why Michiru wanted to bring this newbie girl on a mission sent from the Mayor. Well, I guess she wasn't a newbie, but she could get seriously injured and her Mom seemed like a nice lady. I don't want to know what she's going to do to me if I let her kid get hurt. So, I guess I have no choice but to take care of her from now on.

"Shirou, look over there!" Michiru points out to me. I look over and I see a guy hauling this humongous bag of who knows what. I got a little closer to the bag trying not to be seen by it's carrier. Yep, it smelled like a boatload of the orange vegetable.

"Want us to come help you?!" Michiru screamed out again. I started backing up when I saw that the thief had heard Michiru's obnoxious voice. He turned around and looked at me.

"It's you! You're the Mayor's lap dog! Her to arrest me, I suppose?"

I smirked. "No, but they are." Suddenly a whole bunch of Police Officers we're surrounding us. It shouldn't be that hard to catch him now, because they were all dog beastman. The thief turned into his beastman form.

"Haha. You guys must be joking. I'm outta here." And with no warning, he jumped up onto a nearby building. He's a rabbit beastman so of course he would be able to jump that high. I sigh, and turn into my own wolf beastman form to start chasing him.

Your P.O.V.
"H-hey, Shirou! Wait for me!!" I heard Michiru yell as I watched her arms transform into wings. How in the world could she do that?! Do Tanuki's have wings?!

She flew away and left me behind to go after Shirou. I turned into my beastman form and got a running start. I tried to lift my feet off of the ground to jump... but I fell right back down, face first. I sat up and tried to stand up but I couldn't. It must be my ankle that's doing this to me.

How could I go help Michiru and Shirou if I couldn't walk?

"You, Cadette. What are you doing on the ground? The thief is going that way." It was one of the dog Police Officers. I noticed that he was pointing in the direction of Shirou, Michiru, and the thief. He must think that since I'm in my dog beastman form, that I'm an Officer who is apart of his squad.

I shake my head. "Sorry, sir. I'm not an Officer. I'm just friends with Michiru so I came to help her and Shirou, but my ankle's hurt."

"Oh, I see." He says. He helps me back up so I could stand and then I smelled something wierd and heard noises coming from a nearby alleyway. I let go of the police officer and ran to it, trying to ignore the pain that I got from my ankle.

"Show yourself!" I screamed to the alleyway walls. I heard a gasp and noticed a garbage can that had a huge bag sticking out of it, it looked just like the bag the thief had. I realized that I had found the culprit.

I used all of my strength to pick up the can and bring it to the Officers. They took the culprit and sent one of the cops to go tell Shirou and Michiru that the thief was arrested. I sat on the ground to wait for them because it was too hard to stand anymore. Maybe I shouldn't have picked that up.

"(Y/n), oh my gosh you're okay! I'm so sorry I left you..." Michiru says as she runs to me and hugs me tightly. Shirou comes up behind her and looks at me. I never really did take a good look at his beastman form.

But, it was too late for that now because as soon as I said that last sentence in my head, he changed back to his human form. "What are you doing on the ground?" He asked me.

I remembered to situation I was in and I was going to try and stand up again, but there would be no point. I would just fall back down into the position that I'm in right now. "I-I hurt my ankle this morning, so I can get up right now." Michiru's eyes widened as she gave me a guilty look. She puts her arms around my shoulders to try and help me up.

Shirou noticed the look that she gave me. "So you hurt her Michiru, and then you thought it would be a good idea to let her go on a mission with us?"

She sighed. "Well... she said that she was fine. So, I took her word for it. Plus, she even caught the bad guy! Don't you think that that's enough to prove that it was good thing that she came?"

"I guess... but don't let something like this happen again." Then, it looked like Shirou was going back home, so me and Michiru followed behind him.

"No matter what Shirou says, I think it was cool that you caught the thief." I smile to Michiru.

"It was the least that I could do to help you guys out."

Once we made it back home I collapsed on the couch. My ankle was already hurting enough so I didn't want to move anymore. "Could you sit up for a little while?" I heard a deep voice ask me.

I blushed as I realized that it was Shirou. I sat up and noticed that he took his coat off. He sat down next to me and put a first-aid kit on the coffee table. Was he... going to treat my ankle?

"To do this, I'm going to need you to face me and put the hurt foot on the pillow." I didn't even notice that he put a pillow on the couch. I did as he said and he held my ankle in his gloved hand. Interestingly, the contact felt warm and gentle. Like, he was used to taking care of others.

"I'm going to touch your ankle to figure out if you sprained it or broke it. All I want you to do is tell me if where I touch hurts or not. Got it?" I nod my head.

He pokes one part of my ankle and it doesn't hurt. He looks up at me and I shake my head. He pokes another part and it hurts like how it was when I was walking. I see him look up at me again and I nod.

"On a scale from one to ten, how much did it hurt?"

"Maybe... an eight." I answer back. He touches one last part on my ankle and it didn't hurt, so I shook my head again. He put my foot back on the pillow and looked like he was deep in thought.

"Does it tingle or feel numb?"

"No..." I answer back again.

He nods. He grabs an elastic bandange roll from the first-aid kit and wraps it around my ankle. "Good thing is your ankle seems like it's only sprained. The bad thing is that I'm not letting you leave this house, unless you're going to take someone to go with you. I don't trust Michiru to handle you because of what happened today. She normally makes bad choices and I don't want you to get hurt anymore. So, you need to get rest in your room and if you need to go somewhere you take me with you, alright?"

"Okay." I say. He tells me to stay where I am so he could got out the first-aid kit away. He comes back and picks me up. He carries me all the way to my room and lays me down on my bed. He looks at me one last time and leaves.

I sigh, because now I can't leave my room anymore. I look at the table next to my bed and notice a glass of water, a protein bar, and an ice pack. Maybe... Shirou did care about me...


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