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Your P.O.V.
Boring, boring, boring. And the sound of footsteps. That's all I can hear in the darkness of my room. Wait... Does boring even have a sound?

I shrug, it was early in the morning and I barely got enough sleep. I jumped when I heard a knock on the door.

"Hey, (Y/n). It's me, Michiru. I'm really sorry about hurting your ankle yesterday. Shirou's been giving me all these weird looks and glances, and I'm sure it's because of what I did to you."

"No it's okay, really." I answer back. Michiru was only trying to play around and I know she didn't mean any harm. Plus, if my ankle wasn't hurt, I would've never gotten to see Shirou take care of me yesterday. It was nice to see his soft side.

I blushed as I realized what I was thinking, and quickly wiped the thought from my mind. I hardly know Shirou... but why do I feel so... attracted to him?

"Ah, (Y/n)! I totally forgot! Mrs. Melissa made us some breakfast! You should come down and try some, it's the best!" I heard her footsteps running away from my room. If Michiru was that excited to eat then I guess I would have to try it. I move my foot from my pillow onto the floor. It still hurts but it's slowly getting better. Why couldn't Michiru have stayed to help me get downstairs...?

Well, whatever. I'm 18 now so I can do this by myself. Maybe. I open my room door and start on my journey downstairs. After what felt like forever, I made it and sat down on the couch. I didn't want to walk anymore. I noticed that Michiru was sitting across from me chowing down on some food.

"Don't eat so fast Michiru. I wouldn't want you to choke." I say. She looks up at me and smiles. Then, she starts to eat slower. Now that she's not going at supersonic speed I can see that she's eating (favorite breakfast food). W-wait, where'd she get that from?!

"Michiru, did Mrs. Melissa make that for you?" I asked. She looked up at me again and nodded.

Just then Mrs. Melissa walked over to me. "I did. I made some for you too, (Y/n). Just make sure that you get that ankle healed up, okay?"

"Okay. Thanks for the meal." She smiles and goes back into the kitchen. I start to eat the (favorite breakfast food) and it actually does taste good. After I finished, I was about to get up to go put my plate in the sink but I felt something on my shoulder. I looked over and it was a little black bird.

"Hi, there." I say to it. I start gently petting it and then I smell another scent come into the room. I look over and I see Shirou who has another morning coffee in his hands.

"Hmph. It looks like Kuro might like you." He says.

I smile. "Is that so? Do you want to be my friend too?" I ask Kuro. It starts nuzzling its face into my cheek. It's feather's were so soft. "Does Kuro belong to you Shirou?"

He nods. "Yes, he's my pet and a great helper. Unlike some Tanuki that I know." Michiru spits out her orange juice all over table and gives Shirou an annoyed look. Then, she sighs and goes to get some paper towels to clean up her mess. "See what I mean? She only makes messes."

I chuckle. This is not at all how Shirou was acting towards me when we first met. I don't know what I did, but maybe he likes me a little bit more now. The thought of that made me happy.

I see Shirou sit down and he sighs, which snaps me out of my thoughts. "We need to go grocery shopping today. All of the milk is spoiled, I need more coffee beans, and Michiru just wasted the last bit of orange juice that we had."

"Hey! I'm right here, you know!" She says as she places paper towels on the table. I nod, I would've gone yesterday but this ankle sprain ruined all of my plans.

"Michiru, do you think that you could come shopping with me and (Y/n) and not cause any messes, injuries, or problems in general?"

"Wh-what?! Why do you need to ask me that?! I'm 19, I'm not some little toddler who makes trouble wherever they go!" Michiru screams in response.

"Oh really? It's hard to tell the difference."

"Stingy Wolf!"

"Tanuki Thief."

I got a little tired of the back and forth bickering so I went into the kitchen and put my plate into the sink. Then, I noticed a little note on the refrigerator. It was Mrs. Melissa shopping list. She left the kitchen so I thought it would be okay if I just took a picture of it with my phone.

After I did that, I went back to Shirou and Michiru. It looks like they calmed down a little since I last saw them. "Are you ready to go, (Y/n)?" I nodded as we all walked (and limped) out of the door. Then, Kuro moved from my shoulder to Shirou's shoulder. I completely forgot that he was on me, it was like he wasn't even there.

"Kuro says that it was a good idea to take a picture of Mrs. Melissa's shopping list. I'm sure she would love the favor." I blush but then realized, how could they communicate with each other?! There are a lot of things that I still don't understand.

Well, at least Shirou thought it was a good idea. I kind of liked to get that opinion from him.

"Okay, the store is only a few blocks away. Do you think you could make it (Y/n), or do you want some help?" Shirou asked me.

"I-I think that I'll be fine." I say and he nods. And only a few seconds after I said that, I step on an empty soda can and slip. But, before I could make contact with the ground, I felt a pair of arms catch me. I look up and see Shirou's face. He helps me back up.

"Oh my goodness, are you okay (Y/n)?!" Michiru screams.

"Yeah, I'm okay." I answer. Shirou looks like he's checking me for injuries and sighs. He puts his arms around me and we soon get to the store.

"Welp, were here. Michiru grab a shopping cart, please." Michiru nods and goes to grab one and comes back with it. Shirou puts my hands on the shopping cart and I blush. "Hold on to the cart for support. If your ankle starts hurting again I want you to tell me. That was a dangerous stunt you pulled when you slipped. You could've broken more than just your ankle."

I sigh and nod. I know that Shirou only wants to keep me safe, but I didn't want to be annoying. Having to tell him every three seconds that my ankle was hurting is not something I thought that he would want to hear. But, okay. I'll do what he says.


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