Chapter 10 ✔️

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" Wake up."

" Yoohoo big summer blow out."

Wait what? I begin to stir in my bed as I try and block out the annoying sound of whoever is trying to wake me from my coma.

" You watched Frozen too?!"

" Shut up."

" I love Elsa's hair. It's so white and long and it just suits her. I've been trying to get my hair to look like that but everytime I'm at the hair dresser she keeps on changing my mind. I don't know how she does it. Like this one time - "

Are you being serious now? I crack one eye open to reveal an annoyed Tyler with a bubbling Emily next to him. Welcome to my world Tyler.

Wait a fat minute.

Why the hell is Tyler in my room? And did he really watch Frozen? He's so not hearing the end of this one.

" I think your hair looks fine. Don't try and make it white it'll make you look old." Tyler says as soon as Emily stopped rambling on. He's now busy observing her hair and giving Emily a few tips.

I rub my eyes to make sure I'm not still sleeping. Once my vision clears nothing has changed. What weird people I surround myself with.

"Uh guys?" I say while adding a yawn at the end. Pretty sure I just made you yawn. Hah you did it again! I need help.

" Oh goody you're up." Emily shrieks while clapping her hands.

I quirk my eyebrow. How can she have so much energy when I'm struggling to keep my eyelids open?

" Yeah and there better be a damn good reason why you woke me up." I threaten as I climb out of bed and walk over to the en-suite.

" We're meeting up with the others for breakfast. You don't have a choice." Emily answers confidently. I'm glad she's gained a back bone since the first time we met. She's a nice person and a lot of people mistake that as a weakness.

" Still doesn't explain why he is here. " I say while applying toothpaste on my toothbrush.

Emily doesn't answer and I roll my eyes. She's being the not-so-descrete-cupid again. I quickly finish up in the bathroom which includes me having a shower, doing light makeup and blow drying my hair. The only problem is that I forgot to bring an outfit into the en-suit. I tighten the towel around me as I step into the room.

" and Gabby thought I was hitting on Parker so she got upset and I was just like sitting there, holding Ashton's hand as a matter of fact, ready to rip her hair out. I know she was drunk but seriously I wouldn't hit on someone my friend has an eye for." Emily rambles on.

I watch as Tyler listens closely to what Emily has to say. He's sitting cross legged on my bed while facing Emily in the same position on her bed.

Glad to see someone is enjoying Emily's gossip.

They turn their attention to me as soon as I open my wardrobe. Emily looks stunned to see me in my towel while Tyler has his infamous smirk painted on his face.

" Oh please don't let me interrupt your serious discussion." I say sincerely and chuckle.

Tyler gives me a once over before winking and focusing his attention back on Emily as she babbles on. Poor Tyler but he really doesn't seem bothered.

I fish out an outfit for the day and head back into the bathroom to change. I decide on wearing a royal blue sun dress that reaches me mid thigh. Pairing it off with white sandles and hoop earrings I bought the other day I step out of the bathroom.

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