Chapter 33 ✔️

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" Ashton open up this fucking door!" I yell in complete anger.

I've been knocking on his damn apartment door for the past 10 minutes and he still hasn't opened up. I know he's in here because when Parker and I drove into the parking lot we saw Ashton getting out of his car. Ashton unfortunately noticed us and started picking up his pace. By the time we reached his apartment he was already inside and made sure to lock the doors.

" Come on man. Just open up. I just want to talk." Parker speaks up from beside me.

Yeah right.

He's going to talk with his fist by the furious expression on his face.

We wait for a few more minutes and still no reply comes from inside the apartment.

" Ashton I swear to God I will kick down this door and strangle you till your lungs collapse if you don't open us this door right now!"

I know people say that you shouldn't let others fight your battles for you but when it comes to Emily there honestly are no boundaries when it comes to her safety. She's blinded by the words that Ashton keeps spilling into her mind and therefor can't see what's clearly wrong. I've heard too many stories about woman being in an abusive relationship and not making it to the end. I don't want that for Emily. If I have the power to do something about it even if it's as simple as threatening Ashton then I will do so.

I don't care if I'm making her business mine.

It became my business the second he raised his hand at her.

" Go away!" I finally hear a voice from inside the apartment.

" I will not go away until you open this fucken door and face me like the man you claim to be in front of Emily." Parker says furiously.

It's funny how big and tough Ashton acts when he knows he is at fault but the second someone confronts him he scurries away and hides.

" I didn't do shit man! "

Oh please. If he's going to start with the whole innocent act this door sure as hell isn't staying on its latches.

" Don't bullshit me! You should have seen her face when Ally brought up your name. The fright was clear and it's not because you 'didn't do shit' it's because you think you're the fucking man in front of her! A real man who targets fragile girls. Now that's pathetic. " Parker spits in absolute disgust.

Anger gets the best of me when I kick hard on Ashton's door making it bulge in. That's the least of his worries.

" I'm calling the police!"


" Fucking prick. " Parker mutters under his breath before taking a step back from the door.

" You better not hope I walk into you. I won't hesitate to beat you up even if it's in public." Parker warns loud and clear before basically dragging me away from Ashton's apartment.

Well that was a waste of time.

" Don't worry. We'll get him." Parker reassures me as we climb back into my car.

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