Chapter 18 ✔️

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" Just let her paint your nails."

" Not happening."

" Oh come on. You'll barley see it."

" It's pink Ally."

I glance over at the hot pink nail polish that Tayla is holding in her little hands. She has a broad smile painted on her face and her eyes are lit up with excitement.

I look back at Tyler and glare at him. If a little girl wants to paint your nails, she's gonna paint your nails.

" Just look at her face." I say pointing over to Tayla. Catching on to what I'm trying to prove, Tayla pouts while throwing Tyler her best puppy dog eyes. Hell even I would say yes to that.

Tyler starts pacing around the room. He looks frustrated. He's so over reacting. He's acting as if you gave him the choice to either save his mom or his sister. This is only pink nail polish.

" Pwease Ty-Ty." Tayla pleads.

She's starting to become the only kid I can tolerate. She's just so fricken cute.

" Fine." Tyler sighs. He sits down at the bottom of Emily's bed where Tayla is sitting on and places his hand, palm down, on Tayla's lap.

I walk over and open up the bottle of nail polish and hand it over to a giggling Tayla. I need to get this on video.

Picking up my phone I immediately start recording as soon as the paint hits Tyler's nails. He's so going to hear about this later on.

Tyler cringes every time Tayla dips the brush into the bottle again. There is more paint on his skin than on his nails.

" Pink suits you." I comment once Tayla is satisfied with her artwork.

" Of course." Tyler says in a high pitched voice and throws back his non-existent long hair.

I chuckle and high five Tayla. I'm liking her more and more.

" Ty-Ty you look beauwtiful! " Tayla exclaims jumping up and down on the bed. She leaps forward all of the sudden and jumps into Tyler's arms. For a minute I thought that I was going to have to make a trip to the hospital. Luckily Tyler has good reflex skills.

I look down at my phone to see if Emily said anything. It's been 2 hours since she last called me when she was waiting for the pickup truck. I've tried calling her again but I was send to voice mail.

Should I be worried?


It's Emily we're talking about.

I should be worried for the other person's sanity.

" I want to watch Toy Stowy!" Tayla yells all of the sudden. The kid has a strong voice to her.

It's cute how she can't say the r in all of her words. That cuteness will be the death of me I swear. Looking over at Tyler I see Tayla pulling his hair in every direction. She keeps on shouting about watching Toy Story and it looks as if Tyler is ready to faint at any given moment. Although she's adorable she's a handful as well.

" Inside voices kid." I remind her. She stops for a minute. Why do I feel like it's the calm before the storm?

I watch as Tayla starts breathing heavy. Tyler looks uncomfortable as he puts her down onto the floor. Tayla folds her little hands into fist. As soon as she opens her mouth all sounds die and the only thing you can hear is her screams. Soon enough she's on the floor, pounding with her fist while tears flow down her rosy cheeks.

Never mind. I take my words back. I still don't like kids.

" Okay fine!" I yell in frustration. Tayla stops screaming and listens up to what I have to say.

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