Chapter One

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Walking down the street with my fingers intertwined with Xavier's and eating some ice-cream, we talked about how much our life has changed. Xavier still had two hours before going to the office, so we just decided to spend some time with each other. 

I was actually meant to go to the doctor today, because I don't really feel well. The past few days I have been puking too much, craving too much for things I don't eat, and yeah... I find that pretty weird. Margaret said that I may or may not be pregnant. For a second I got scared, but then I just pushed the thought away, thinking that I'm just a little bit sick. Nothing else. 

But now that I'm thinking of it. What if I'm really pregnant? Only the thought made me excited. I would be really happy if it were really that. But what scared me most was that I might just turn out like my parents after having the second child. That just ruined it. I don't want to love one more than the other. I want to love both equally. 

"Let's go home now," Xavier squeezed my hand. 

I nodded and we took off as soon as I finished my ice-cream.

"Let's pick up Ryan first," I said and Xavier nodded. 

Ryan was at Margaret's. No, Actually at Neil's, where Margaret was. I wonder what is going on between those two. First when they took a walk at the beach, Margaret disliked Neil. Then when we went to her house  and Margaret's make-up was all over the place, including the fact that Neil had lipstick on his face. I think they were making out that day. Not sure... Oh, and also that day at the park. I have to find out what is between those two.

Are they together?

"That evil grin of yours is scaring me rather too much," Xavier faked a shiver.

I narrowed my eyes at him and playfully hit his shoulder, making him narrow his eyes at me. I giggled and he smiled at me. You know, sometimes I just wish that we could stay the way we are. Just let the world freeze and let us have all the time to be together. 

I hummed along with the songs playing on the radio until we reached Neil's house. It looked a little too quiet until Neil ran out with a giggling Ryan on his shoulders. The way he adored Ryan so much confused me a little. Neil didn't look like the type of guy who would hang out with kids, eating ice-cream, having fun with friends or even laughing. 

Neil had a lot of problems when he was younger. He was always interested in surfing and all, but his parents didn't like it. He loved surfing so much, that he would skip class just to get to surf better. But the refusal of his parents tore him apart. He always tried convincing them that surfing is just the perfect thing for him to do, but they didn't listen. They kept it away from him, but Neil isn't the type of person to give up. So, now here he is, a famous surfer. 

"When did you guys get here?" Neil asked handing Ryan over to Xavier. 

"We just got here. And where's Margaret?" I asked. 

"She's inside," he pointed towards the house. 

I nodded and I glanced at Xavier, telling him that I'm going inside. He nodded and continued talking to Neil while I walked into the house, looking for Margaret. 

"Hey!" Margaret hugged me. 

"Hey!" I hugged back. 

We walked into her room and sat on her bed. 

"So... Are you and Neil together yet?" I asked.

She frowned at first, but blushed afterwards. How cute, she likes him. 

"No, we're not together. Yeah, I do like him." I raised my eyebrow at her. "Okay, I like him a lot! But—" 

"But what?" I cut her off. "I already told you, Neil will not be able to state his feelings for you, unless you're having a moment. He's not that type. You might have to do it." 

"But..." she started. "I'm scared he doesn't like me back," 

"Well, he spends most of his time at your house or you at his house, you guys have kissed several times and Neil flirts with you wherever we are," I gave her a flat look. "Sometimes its not the guy who has to take the first step, you know." 

She sighed and after a moment of silence, she finally answered. "Okay, I'll try to take the first step." 

I breathed out in relief. Finally the two of them are going to be together... Maybe. What would they do without Xavier and I? I shook my head at the thought. Maybe they wouldn't even meet. If April was here, then she would've asked me why I am wasting my time sorting stupid couples out. Then I would've told her to go and screw herself for being so effing selfish.

Reality hit me and I remembered that it was April who I was thinking about. I wanted to slap myself across the face for thinking about someone like her. So, I did slap myself. Sure, I thought about her, but it was never so extreme. I only thought of her when nothing was fine. I thought of her when I still lived at my mother's house. 

"People nowadays," Margaret shook her head and rolled her eyes. "Just slapping themselves on the face for no actual reason," she shook her head and looked at the floor dramatically. She looked at me. "The world has become a sad place." 

I rolled my eyes at her and playfully smacked her on her upper arm. It was actually kind of funny to see her expression like that. She held a murderous look on her face that scared me a little too much. I slowly stood up from the bed and started backing up, just in case she goes all cave-woman and eats me alive. She glared at me and I shot her a sheepish, innocent looking smile. But that didn't stop her. You know what did? 

Me wanting to throw up.

So, I ran into the toilet and puked all the food I had eaten this morning. I felt a hand caressing my back, to make me feel a little better, and it actually helped. My hair wasn't needed to be held, it was already tied in a bun and I was very grateful of that. After throwing up, I flushed the toilet and splashed water over my face and all. Margaret followed me to the bed and we sat there again. 

"I really think you're pregnant. Why don't you do one of those pregnancy test shit?" she asked with a serious expression. 

I nodded saying okay. I'm not sure, but I now really think that I'm pregnant.


Hey guys!

How ya'll doing?

I wanted to thank you guys for all the views and votes in such view days and also thanks for adding this in your reading list! I am so happy with this story! You guys make me so happy! 

What do you think will happen next? Curious about April? About Robin and Crystal? Or maybe even Mr. Rodriguez and Sarina? Grandma?? Her parents??

Most of these people will appear in the future. Not all of them, but most of them. So grab your popcorn, because things are going to get spicy! And one more thing... No.. Two more things.. I HAVE INTERESTING NEWS!!!!

1. Love the shipping of Neil and Margaret? You really love them? Want to know more about them? Well, then your wait has come to an end! Check out the cool story about Neil and Margaret, written by MaybeASuccessfulGirl! It still has one chapter but it's cool! So check it out and tell me what you think about it!

2. Interested in a contest? Want to participate? Well, then check out the contest also on MaybeASuccessfulGirl her profile! You can enter and Margaret and I will judge your story! So check it out and enter!!

Now, my work here is done. I will try to update as soon as I can, until then




-SHARE if you can! 

BYE DUDES!!!!!!!!!!!

My Protective Billionaire [CURRENTLY UNDER HEAVY EDITING!]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora