Chapter two

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A/N: hello my babessss. This is chapter two. I will be writing in everyone's povs at some point but right now it's gonna be Louis. Until we can get real action my b r o s.

N e ways. Enjoy!!


Louis' POV

I had closed my eyes to prepare myself from getting punch in the face. About 5 seconds later I opened them when nothing happened. Liam's fist had been held back Harry. Why the fuck would he stop him?

"Liam. He's not worth it. I'm sure he didn't mean it." Harry looked at him. I couldn't quite tell the emotion going on in his head. It was almost like he was confused.

Liam pushed me away from him by his collar. "You're lucky this time." He walked away quietly. He looked like a little toddler who didn't get his way. I chuckled at the sight of it.

"Hey man I'm sorry about him. Don't worry about your tray. I'll get someone to clean it up." Harry flashed his signature smile to me. His dimples popping out on his cheeks. I could feel my face heat up lightly.

"Uh yeah.. uh.. it's alright. It's not the first time he's attempting to beat the shit out of me." I waved him off and put back in my earbuds, which had fallen out from my ears after my tumble. I blasted the music full volume into my ears.

I walked into the hallway. It wasn't empty but it wasn't crowded. I walked towards the restroom to go finish the cigarette I had just sitting in my pocket. No ciggy should ever go to waste. Unless it's old or wet.

As soon as I got into the restroom I went into a stall and locked the door shut. I pulled a lighter from my back pocket and re lit the cigarette. I took a few drags before suddenly hearing someone being thrown against my stall door. I looked at the ground and noticed some familiar shoes.

Is he fucking following me?

"You fuck face. I had my chance to beat his ass. Why the hell did you stop me?? You're not gay are you?" It was Liam's voice.

"No dude I'm not! I was only trying to keep your God damn reputation alive. Fighting him wouldn't have fucking helped." Harry's deep voice rang through my head.

"You better fucking not be. That shit would be the end of our friendship." Liam pushed him against the stall one more time before the tapping of his shoes could be heard leaving the restroom.

I could see Harry's feet turn to face the stall door. He gasped quietly but it could still be heard. "I uh. I didn't know someone was in this stall. I'm sorry you had to heard that."

I quietly opened the door. Cigarette hanging out of my mouth. "It's good. Nice seeing you again." I blew smoke into his face.

He coughed as I passed him. I turned to look at him.

"Are you alright?" I said as his coughing continued.

Once he regained his breathe he looked at me. "Yeah I'm good. I uh.. I have asthma."

Fuck. You're and idiot Louis.

"Oh shit I'm sorry." I quickly threw the cigarette onto the ground and stepped on it, putting it out. "I didn't know." I kept my head down. I felt like shit. I could've just killed him.

"No man, it's fine. You didn't mean it." He said and lifted my head head up with his index finger. Making me look at him.

We made eye contact for a long 30 seconds of time. We slowly inched closer to one another. What in the fuck is happening right now?

I could feel butterflies in my stomach. Our faces were inches apart at this point. I never realized how pretty he was until now...

And with that. He pulled away quickly before turning and leaving the restroom. Leaving me by myself. He just pulled a fucking Zayn.

Why did that feel so right to do? It was pure bliss. It was just Harry and I in the minute of being so close. I mean. I'm not gay. I don't think. I've never really questioned it. And even if, he's definitely not gay. Why would he be? His body screams straight.

His body. I wonder what it would be like to touch his bare skin. Probably soft and warm. Something you can snuggle up to and cuddle all night. Something that could touch you and make you feel butterflies with even the slightest air of breath to your skin. God what I would do for that feelin-


Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I'm gay for Harry Styles.


A/N: hello my beans. I know it's only the second chapter but Louis just found out he like Harry!!! Omg I'm so excited!!

Anyways. I hope you guys enjoyed this one. I'm gonna try and update again later tonight. I have nothing better to do anyways.

So. Whatd you think will happen next?

Also tell me what you think of Lima Bean so far. He's kind of a prick if you ask me.

Have a good day/night whatever you want! Bye bye my lovelies!!!


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