Chapter seventeen

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A/N: in school right now ngl.

Please don't skip the announcement at the end!!



Louis' POV

"Son. We need to talk."

"Yes, dad?" I struggled to get that out. What if he heard us? Maybe that's why he's up here. He never wants to talk to me. I can't afford a funeral right now. Not at this rate.

"Come sit." He walked past me and sat on the edge of my bed. I sat next to him. Making sure we were a few feet apart.

"What is it?" I tilted my head in confusion.

"So as you know. I'm leaving for my work for about week. I will be leaving tonight. After I'm done and back home, I want you to invite that boy over for dinner." What in the actual hell?

"Wh- Why?" I question. Is he being nice?

"Well he's your friend isn't he?" I nod. "I made the wrong first impression and I shouldn't have. And he seems like the sporty type. Maybe he'll get you into that stuff." He chuckled lightly. I faked a short laugh to not make him angry.

"Yeah I'll uh. I do that then." I smiled fakley.

"Good. Well. I have to go or I'll be late to check in my hotel room. Bye son." He grabbed the back of my head and kissed the top of my head. He used to do it when I was younger but stopped when I turned 11. I wonder why he did it now.

"Bye dad."


Harry's POV...

I've been procrastinating my work ever since I got home. The only thing I can think about is his dad. If he were to ever get angry with Louis enough to hit him. I would kill him if I ever find out he did.

I've also been thinking about tomorrow. It's gonna be the first time in forever I'll be hanging out with Zayn. Him and I used to be best friends in middle school. As soon as high school hit though our classes were seperated and we realized that we weren't ever gonna be the same as were in middle school. I also heard he's bringing the guy he's been hooking up with. Never would've though Zayn was gay. Or bi. I don't know. I can't assume it though. That's just rude.

Anyways. That's not the point. I just hope he doesn't hate me. Especially for dating his best friend since Elementary.

Yeah Zayn and I were friends in middle school but Louis and him had always been friends. If he had to choose he probably would've chosen Louis. Zayn has always been a loyal person. I'm glad he could take care of Louis. Especially through some of his hardest times.


Eleanor's POV...

Dear diary,

So as of today I've figured out how I may tell Louis I know about harry and him.

Whilst dancing to a slow song, a lot of the couples enjoy small talk. After my research, I found out that Louis really doesn't like the quiet. He's way too awkward to do that. Especially when he is dancing with a girl he doesn't even like.
So my initial plan is during a slow song, I'm gonna start small talk first, and then I'll say, "I know about you and harry."
He's probably gonna be shocked and scared so I'm gonna let him know it's okay. Then I'll say, "your secret is safe with me."
I'm not going to reveal my whole plan just yet. I have a few things in mind just in case something happens. I also have answers based on all possible responses he may give me.
Gossip is my best subject so this should be easy.

I just wish he wasn't gay. I mean. Louis is such a good guy and I would be perfect for him. But of course Harry got in the way. He always gets what he wants and it's not fair. Mayne if things don't go well for them I'll try to convince Louis to never talk to him again and he'll like me. Because I'll help him with his issues and he'll be mine.
But of course not until they break up and he gives consent.

Of course I don't think they'll last very long. Having to hide the relationship can be very unhealthy. Sooner the better I guess.

And of course if Harry suspects my plan, I'll simply complain to Louis and he'll confront Harry. And then Harry will send himself into a deep depression. He's gonna shut himself out to everyone and lose all of his friends.

Even though that's only the end of the plan. We have to start at the beginning.

-Eleanor ♡


A/N: okay I'm sorry this so short. I'm currently on my way to a birthday party and hour away from my house.  It's very early so I'll probably sleep after this. Anyways. I hope you all are reading this so you can have my special announcement!

Okay so. Luckily I like to write. I have two new books I'm writing and the first chapter of one of them is almost done!

The first story is called, Shit, Sorry.

It's about a girl who runs into Louis mother freaking Tomlinson at a cafe. It's a buisness au. She has to make it to an interview and turns put she's interviewing with the man who she just spilled hot coffee on only 10 minutes before.

The second story does not yet have title.

It's about Louis and Harry finally being free, and so when they get this new photoshoot for a magazine together, they realize that not everyone was accepting like others.

Anyways! I'll update you when those are out! Thank you so much for reading! I never realized how many people actually read this. And I was so happy to see the numbers!

Have a wonderful day!


Hidden Secrets. [l.s.] ✔Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum