Chapter five

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A/N: still crying from yesterday :)


Louis POV...

I woke up the next day, the sun from my window hitting my face. I groaned and slowly pulled myself out of bed. I pushed my hair put of my face and made my way to my closet. I pulled out a pair of black skinny jeans, a black band tee, and a pair of black converse. I walked over to my door and opened it before making my way into the long hall. I walked a few step down the hall and into the bathroom. I pulled a towel from the rack and set it on the toilet which sat next to the stand up shower. I placed my clothes on the counter of the sink. I undressed myself and turned on the water to a warm temperature. After a few seconds of finally getting the correct temp I wanted I stepped into the shower closing the large glass door.

I let the water take over me. Petting soak my hair and body. I reached up to grab the shampoo bottle placed on the shelf. I had to step up on my tippy toes to reach it. It's not that I'm small. The shelf was just very high. I'm proud to say that I'm 5'9.

I put some shampoo in my hand set the bottle back on the shelf. I placed my hand in my hair and massaged the shampoo through my hair until it was covered. After a bit of scrubbing I stepped forward to stand directly underneath the water. Allowing the soap to run from my hair.

After my shower I grabbed my towel and wiped down my body, it still being a bit damp. I scrubbed my head with the towel trying to get it as dry as possible. Once done with that, I took my fresh pair of boxers and put them on. I pulled on my skinny jeans and then my shirt. I hung the towel up to dry and walked out of the bathroom.

I walked back into my room throwing my old clothes into the hamper. I grabbed my deodorant and put it on. After that I put on some cologne but not too much to the point I'll choke on it. (Unlike some boys..)

I walked back across the hall into the bathroom. I grabbed my toothbrush and the toothpaste. I put some toothpaste on the bristles of the brush and then placed the tube down. I brushed my teeth carefully so I don't bleed out. I then brushed my hair out from it being ratty. My hair was suprisingly long but I liked it that way.

Once I was done with getting ready I headed down the stairs with my shoes in hand. I sat on a chair in the kitchen and put them on. Tying them tight so they would untie later. I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and wrote a note to my mom.

I'm going out. I'll be home later tonight. Love you.

-Lou x

I set the note where my mom would find it right away and left the house. I noticed my father's car wasn't there. He must've went to work early. I'm glad that I didnt have to face his dumbass this morning though.

Since it was Saturday I didn't have school. So I've decided to walk around town. Nothing better to do since Zayn won't be home til 6 PM. I need to watch the time for that. Even though it's only 10 AM.

I walked down to a nearby park and sat on a swing. I pulled out my lighter and a new cigarette. Before lighting it I noticed a car pull up to the park and stop. When I saw who got out I smirked lightly and continued to light the cigarette.

"Louis what the fuck? I told you that shit isn't good for you!" Harry walked up to me and stood in front of where I sat on the swing set.

"You really think I'm gonna listen to you?" I replied taking out a drag. I blew out the smoke to the side knowing his condition.

"You should. I'm basically saving your life." He said, being proud of himself for it.

I chuckled and he looked at me with a smile. Dimples showing. God what I would do to see those all the time.

"Right.." I smirked at him placed the cigarette in my mouth and stood up. He was tall. I looked and noticed how close we were. We were inches away from each other. Just like the bathroom.

Harry's hand moved up to my face. He pulled the cigarette from my mouth and threw it on the ground. I frowned slightly before he looked back at me. His eyes were beautiful. I could smell his minty breathe as it hit my face. Yeah. That's how close we are.

He brought his hand up to my face as we continued to be lost in one another's eyes.

"You have a smudge.." He wiped his hand on my face before pulling away from me.


I bet he thinks I'm gross.

"I- uh- Shit. I'm sorry. I'm a mess." I looked down.

"No no! It's okay!" He lifted my head back by my chin.

How many fucking moments are we gonna have like this?

Harry was once again only a few inches away from me.



A/N: Haha cliffhanger ;)

Liam is happy!

Anyways. I hope you enjoyed that. But the question is. Why the fuck is Harry in Italy? I swear to God this man teleports.

I think you will enjoy the next chapter though;)


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