Chapter 4

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^What I imagine King Maxon's dining room looks like.

As the grandfather clock against the wall chimes 8 o'clock, a light knock on my door jolts me awake. Before I can even stand up, two young women prance in with smiling faces, they both curtsy, wearing knee length dresses in black with a red overlay. One is a beautiful brunette, short in height with stunning hazel eyes; she introduces herself as Lena. The other woman is tall with ash blonde hair that is tucked behind her pointed ears, her eyes a shimmering shade of brown; she shyly announces that her name is Keira.

"We're sorry for the intrusion but we're here to get you ready for breakfast with King Maxon and the other members of the courts." Lena the more outspoken of the two, chides.

Before I can put up a fight, they usher me into the bathroom and start the water in the large, oval tub. It's steaming when I step into it and sit down; I groan as the fiery water hits my chilled legs, nearly burning them. I wave them off with a smile and ensure them I need some human privacy; they giggle sweetly but leave me alone for my bath at least.

Once I'm out of the tub and partially dry, they hand me an elegant set of lacy underclothes in a unique shade of silver. I slide into them, tugging at them until they fit comfortably. Keira pinches and pokes me as she adjusts a stunning sleeveless gown in deep purple that flows to my feet and hugs every curve of my body. A beaded bodice glimmers with tiny jewels, making me feel like I'm living in a fairytale. The neckline itches against the skin under my arms and I stretch, trying to force it down. Keira finally notices my discomfort and is able to fix the length of the neckline with a simple snap of her fingertips.

The girls dab a slew of makeup on my face and gently arrange my hair into a high braided updo. They finally allow me to get a glimpse of myself in the mirror as they place two large, glittering diamonds through my ears. I look like a glowing version of myself... my skin seems to have a shimmer that I've never seen before and my blue-green eyes look bright against the stark contrast of purple.

I thank the girls with a smile and they both curtsy and then swing the door open for me. It takes a moment to adjust to the 2 inch heels they've placed me in but I slowly saunter out into the brightly lit hall.

Leo meets me there with a smile, "Good morning, Miss. Lucy. Allow me to escort you to the dining hall...your mother is already seated there."

"Sure, I'd appreciate that Leo." I respond, fidgeting with the diamonds dangling from my ears.

He smiles, noticing my discomfort and proceeds to lead us through a maze of hallways and stairs. We finally come to a pair of towering wooden doors with two guards stationed on either side. I can hear a multitude of chatter from beyond the doors, followed by high pitched laughing.

"Man this place is a maze." I laugh, trying to ease the anxiety that is creeping in. I can feel my heart pounding as Leo moves towards the door.

He nods and grasps the knob of the door, pushing it open for me, "Yes it is, madam. But you'll learn how to get around."

"Leo, please call me Lucy, you're the only friend I have here so far." I smile as I walk through the door, passing him.

Inside the room sits a large, oak table with seating for about 25 guests and it's covered in a radiant white cloth. Pristine china sits in front of each chair, with equally shiny silverware and crystal glasses. A tasteful set of vases filled with tulips brighten the room in shades of yellow and pink. 

Nearly all of the chairs are occupied with an array of women and men. Maxon sits at the head of the table, his hands intertwined together on top. He stands, walking quickly to stand next to me. He slides a hand behind my back, sending cold chills towards my toes as everyone in the room gazes over at us. The few men in the room smile towards me warmly, while most of the women either look uninterested or furious. I'm sure that several were waiting to sink their perfectly manicured claws into Maxon's heart... and to wear the crown that comes with him.

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