Chapter 6

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Maxon wraps both arms around my waist and suddenly I feel a rapid wind hitting my face and the blurring of lights and sounds surround us. I feel warmth around my body as I realize he's transported us to the beach: the sound of waves crashing against the shore and birds calling fill my senses. I inhale deeply, taking in the salty smell of the air as I open my eyes to the gorgeous sunset in front of us.

Maxon releases my hips and my body aches for more of his touch, but I step away and look down at my shoes as I lean down to unzip them. After rolling off the pair of socks I had on underneath, my toes hit the sand and I sigh, thinking of home. It's warmer here and the sand is much softer but it reminds me of being on the beach in Maine, running in the morning or having lunch with Beckett.

Shit... I'd gotten so lost in all of this that I'd totally forgotten about Beck. My cheeks redden as I let the guilt slip in to my mind, he's probably worried sick about me and I'm here living in luxury. I wonder if his parents are even alright... I'd never got to ask and my phone has been dead for days. He'd asked me to text him when I was safe and I'd never been able to... because, there's obviously no cell service in a magical realm.

I walk towards the water and the waves come in, touching my toes. I feel Maxon's hand move slowly down my arm and I shiver, loving the feel of his touch... even though I shouldn't.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" He sighs, his mouth only a few inches from touching my ear.

I jump, startled by his sudden closeness. A lightning bolt of connection runs through my body, aching for more of his touch... why does my body react this way to him?

"Maxon, I can't..."  I start to say, stumbling over my words as I pull away from him.

"I know...the human boy." He backs away a bit and I turn to meet his intense gaze. His eyes are darker than normal, like the deep colors of the ocean in front of him, almost tortured.

"I thought you were going to try your best to not read my thoughts." I grumble, crossing my arms over my chest defensively.

He runs a hand through his hair and looks behind me, "I'm sorry Lucy, but your thoughts are so much louder than the others in my head... and I can feel your ever changing emotions hitting me in waves. You're seriously giving some kind of telepathic whiplash."

"Why is it this way... with me?" I question, crossing my hands over my chest.

I watch his eyes quickly dart downward towards my chest, but he looks away just as quickly when he notices that I'm watching his every move.

He's about to reply when I hear a commotion about 100 yards to our right. I can slightly make out three shadows inching closer to us in the dim light. The sand below seems to burn as their black military style boots trample on it in unison, their bodies in sync with one another.

The three men are yelling at us in a language beyond my comprehension- they seem to be chanting. A look of hatred is clearly written on their faces, their cheeks heated and eyes ablaze. They look as if they've walked off a movie set, dressed in red and gray uniforms- military like garments, which seems odd since it has to be at least 85 degrees outside right now. They have their intense gazes fixed on me and I can see them moving closer by the second. They all begin moving their hands in a circular motion near their chest, sparks flying around their hands in bright shades of red and yellow, before they begin throwing them in our direction.

I feel Maxon stiffen as he pushes me behind himself and growls in their direction. A flash of darkness engulfs around him and I as he shields me with his ability...a side I haven't seen of the King yet. I watch as the night dances around me, surrounding me with surprising warmth, rather than the expected cold. I can feel Maxon's hand grab onto mine as he begins to slowly move us backwards, away from the approaching men.

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