Chapter 5

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Two hours later I find myself heading towards the flower gardens on the east side of the palace, rather than heading to dinner. I'm an hour late already and I don't want to face Elenore or Maxon right now... especially after the encounter we just had. I've never been one to shy away from conflict, but in this case I have no idea what I'm up against with Elenore. She's a Terran... which means she controls the earth: flowers, trees, and all plant-life grow at her command. From the book I've been reading it says that some royal terran's can shake the earth with their hands or bury "things" or maybe even people deep within the ground. My powers really need to show up so I can kick her skinny, rich-girl ass.

Walking outside into the warmth towards the gardens, I realize that Maxon has a stunning taste in flowers. Maybe this is all for Elenore? I roll my eyes at the thought; surely he can't care that much for her. Walking down a set of stairs, I notice large rows of gardenia, hibiscus, and my favorite... peonies. All around me, greenery slithers up large columns throughout the garden. Many of the flowers I recognize...but a few are unique and quite beyond my comprehension. Towering hedges trim the area around the grand garden, making it look like a maze. As I walk around the corner, tracing a shrub, I come face to face with Maxon once more- and he stumbles right into me, pushing me backwards.

He steps back quickly before realizing that it's me standing in front of him. A grin creeps onto his face and he raises an eyebrow, "We've got to stop meeting like this, Lucy."

I chuckle, "I would think that the King and a powerful fey would be more graceful... you should really work on that."

He grins and nods, pushing his hands into his pockets, "Roaming the grounds, huh? Would you like some company?"

He offers his arm and I take it, feeling a spark as our skin touches, "Wouldn't Elenore be upset if she saw us walking together?"

He looks over at me, his eyes flashing darkly, "Don't worry about Elenore; she won't be a problem any longer."

What's that supposed to mean? I bite my lip, anxiously.

"What I mean is that... I broke off my engagement to Elenore this afternoon." He states, looking down at me with his striking blue eyes.

I stop walking for a moment, touching a lovely pink dahlia that would normally not be in bloom this time of year back home in Maine. Home.... I don't really have a home anymore.

I sigh, picking off the only dead slough from the flower and toss it onto the walkway.

"Why?" I ask, finally looking up at him.

He thinks a moment, scrunching his lips to one side, "It was never going to end well.... all of it was for my mother. She kept begging me to pick one of the girls to be queen- she told me that it was for the benefit of our people. Strong alliances win wars and strengthen our people, but after the way she spoke to you... I realized what a terrible queen she would be. I don't want that for my subjects, they've already suffered enough cruelty from my father."

"So what now...are you holding out for your destined mate?" I laugh, thinking back to my conversation with Cassandra yesterday.

His eyes flash, looking stunned that I'd brought the words up... that I'd said them out loud. But he corrects his reaction immediately, his mouth curving into a soft smile.

"You could say that, I suppose." He smiles, his eyes roaming over my body, sending cold chills down my spine.

I walk forward, moving towards the row of multicolored peonies; burgundy, deep pinks, peaches, and whites all gleaming with dew. I squat down, cupping one in my hand and take in its sweet, floral scent.

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