Chapter 6

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Peter sat next to Kit, and Ty across from him.
„Are you okay?", Peter asked Kit, clearly worried.
Since the night Kit got hurt, Peter had visited him serval times, as well as he visited Ty.
„Never been better.", Kit said, in a low, calm voice, directly looking at Ty.
Because it was so loud, Ty had his headphones on and probably listened to classical music.
Ty's cheeks were red, and he looked like an angel.
Was he aware of how beautiful he looked?
Peter followed his gaze and laughed.
„What is it?", Kit asked his friend.
„You're staring at Ty.", he answered.
„No I'm not!", he said and looked away from Ty, right where Livvy stood, with a bright grin on her face.
Kit went pink.
„Whatever you say Kit.", Peter just said.
But Kit just couldn't help it, so he looked at Ty again, to realize he was staring at him too.
Ty quickly lowered his gaze, flushing.
Livvy just sighed and murmured, „Idiots. Both of them are such blind idiots."
Only Kit heard that and wondered what she meant by that.
When they finished eating Misses and Mister Bellfeur made sure Kit got into his room and Ty got to his.
Kit lay in bed, touching the spot where Ty lay this night, wishing for him to come and lay there again.
But wasn't Ty the one who came last night?
So Kit got up, grabbed his laptop (wich Shadowhunters are forbidden to have, but he's bought one anyway), and got to his friend's room.
„Kit!", Ty said, and his eyes brightened.
„Wanna watch a movie?", Kit asked, shyly.
„I would gladly do that."
And so Kit sat on the bed beside Ty and looked what they could watch.
„What about this one?", Ty said and gestured at a movie from Disney, it was „Frozen".
Kit watched that movie with Mina, too often to count but agreed to it.
As the movie progressed and the first song came up, Kit immediately moved his lips to it.
Ty seemed to noticed and grinned at him.
When Kit laughed, Ty just looked at him for a moment, a deep look, but then started to laugh too.
Slowly the laughter died and the grin faded.
Now they were just staring at each other, well Ty was not looking at Kit's eyes but it was still the most intimate moment Kit had ever have.
After a few minutes, Ty turned to the laptop and Kit did too, then.
I am falling for Ty again, he realized.

Ty didn't know this feeling inside him.
It was strange and it seemed as if there were butterflies in his stomach, who wanted to get out and gently brushed against it with their feathers.
Just a brief moment ago him and Kit were looking at each other, it was perhaps the most beautiful moment in his live.
He forgot everything around him, there were just Kit and him.
Ty wanted to grab Kit's hand so badly, but he didn't know why.
Three years ago, Kit had held him tight, holding on to Ty, giving him strength, trying to make him feel better, this was a beautiful moment.
More butterflies were in his stomach now, it was such a strange feeling, was there something wrong with him?
He feared that feeling.
Heard racing and palms sweaty, he got up, bursting out of the room.
Outside, he wanted to go outside, so he dd.
Panic was racing up in him, he didn't know why.
Shaking and crying, he wrapped his hands around himself, trying to breath normal, but he just couldn't.
Suddenly Kit was before him and said, „What do you need?"
„Put your arms around me.", Ty said, „Hold on to me."
So Kit did, gripping Ty tight, hoping he would be better.
After a few minutes Ty said, „Thank you Kit, you helped me."
But neither of them let go, and so they stood there, for another hour, just holding on to each other, as if that was the only thing keeping them alive.

Herondale's only love once-Kit and TyWhere stories live. Discover now