Chapter 6

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*Edwards POV*
"Sooo, did it work?" Nix asked me as we walked down the halls.

"I think so. I told her but I hope she will listen and understand what it is that I was saying." I reply.

We stop at her locker so she can get her stuff. I look into the gorgeous reddish-orange eyes I don't think I could live without.

"So we going to your house after school." She asks once she had her stuff.

"Yes, I believe so." I answer.

"Alright. See you at lunch, Eddie." She calls before walking to her first class.

I don't even question the nickname knowing Phoenix. Even though it had been a day, I already knew tons about her. Most of which was Rose telling me what Lillian had told her.

*Time skip to lunch because I'm lazy*

I was sitting with Jasper, Alice and Emmett waiting for Rosalie, Lillian and Nix to arrive.

They came through the doors, Lillian and Nix talking about what species minions are and Rosalie would occasionally put in her opinions.

They sat down at our table and continued their discussion.

"So I was thinking, since their yellow, they could be part duck but also a reptile type thing. But they could also be part monkey due to their weird obsession to bananas." Nix suggested.

"That might be the most educated option you've ever come up with, Phe." Lillian compliments her.

She leans her head on my shoulder and just takes the food off of my plate and starts eating it. Not like I mind because I won't eat it anyway.

"What are you guys rambling about." Emmett asks.

"What species minions could be?" Lillian answers.

"That is the weirdest topic I have ever heard of." He comments.

"Yes. But we are the weirdest people who have ever heard of." Lily agrees.

"Fair enough." Emmett gives in.

"So any who, did the thing with Bella work out?" Rosalie questions, obviously hoping to hear the answer 'it worked and she will leave us alone'.

"I think so." I tell them. "I told her so now we just hope she understands and doesn't try to do anything."

"Good. I am so done with her. And if she lays a single finger on Phe without permission, I swear, I will end her life. No one is hurting Phe." Rose growls, loud enough for Nix to hear but not loud enough for the other humans to hear.

I know she is serious about ending Bella's life if she hurts Phoenix. I would too. Nix is my true mate and I will do anything to protect her.

The rest of my family nods in agreement. Nix looks at all of us.

"You would really do that?" She Questions. We all nod. "Awe. Your all like the abnegation. I feel so special."

We look at her in confusion. The same thing going through each of their heads, other then Lillian who just laughs at our confusion.

"Abnegation is the selfless faction in a book I read called Divergent. It's actually an amazing book." Nix explains. I hear my family faintly say 'oh' and then nod.

She definitely wasn't at all like Bella. She wasn't selfish but she wasn't completely selfless. She was just so full of life. Unlike Bella who was as boring as a bat. She knows we wouldn't get hurt and she knows she wouldn't be able to change our minds on putting her life before ours.

The rest of lunch we talk about random things. Lillian and Nix continue their weird conversation from earlier and Rose and I would occasionally put in our thoughts.

'Those two were definitely strange' I thought as lunch ended. 'But that's what I love about my Phoenix.'

I walk to my next class, Biology, and sit down at my normal spot. Bella walks in and sits next to me.

"Edward. why did you break up with me. We are supposed to be together forever. You were going to turn me and we would get married and live a happy life together. Then she walks in and you act as if we hadn't been dating the last few weeks." Bella rants. The teacher wasn't here yet so I was stuck with her.

"Bella, Phoenix is my true mate and i am going to be with HER forever. Not you. Her." I say. I turn towards the board, waiting for the teacher.

Bella must've thought that I wasn't looking but I caught the jealous look I her eyes. She better not try to do anything to Nix or I will end her along with the help of Rosalie. And most likely Lillian as well.

The teacher comes in and saves me from more of Bella's ranting. She was so annoying. How could I not see it before. I push away my bought sand decide to fantasize about Phoenix.

*Bella's POV*
I knew I needed to get my revenge and soon. Edward would realize I am his mate and he will turn me and then I would abandon him so I could be absolutely gorgeous and make people gravel under me.

I went through possible scenarios in my head of Phoenix dyeing and ways I could do it.

I decided to bring her to Port Angeles and let things go in from there. This would work perfectly.

I just needed to show the Cullen's I would harm Phoenix in anyway possible for my plan to work. And once the Do trust me, my plan mill fall into lace and that slut is as good as gone.

I just need to contact a couple vampires before...

Word Count: 937

Sorry this wasn't that exciting but I'm tired so yeah.

What do you think Bella's plan is?

Why does she need to contact vampires and which vampires?

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