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"What's so funny" Uche asked puzzled

"Your friends, they are so unpredictable.

He only nodded and turning his focus back to the road.
"Where are we heading? She asked after some time

"I thought we should stay the night at one of our hotels, it is our honey moon after all and a honeymoon suite has been prepared for us"

"Uche, this is not a real wedding, why do we need honeymoon suite"

"I thought you understood the man at the registry. Open your eyes babe; this is as real it can ever get"

"The circumstance we got married under..."

"The fact still remains that we are now husband and wife and I will demand and have all my conjugal rights. So don't start getting funny ideas"

She stared at him, what was going on? She knew all along that he wasn't getting married to her because he couldn't bear being separated from her but it didn't lessen the pain of finally accepting that he married her to get what he had set out for in the first place, her virginity. The thought alone was chilling and scary but she was not going to go down without a fight. She vehemently vowed

"How am I supposed to get ready for my show, all my clothes are in your house?

"You will have time enough, your exhibition is in the evening and it is not as if we are miles away"

She kept quiet and watched as they drove into a five star hotel. A door man opened the door for them ushered them into the hotel.

"Congratulation sir" the man greeted them. It was the same greeting they got as they walked through the hotel and into their suite, a cold shiver ran through her spine and it dawned on her what was going to take place here. Nervously she turned to Uche; he was tipping the bell boy who had carried their luggage. As soon as the boy left she glared at him.

"Uche what is the meaning of all these? She asked angrily "Is it not bad enough that we have to come here and stay when this is not a real marriage, did you have to deck the whole place up as if we are still in love?"

Uche's eyes lazily followed the deck up from the flower filled and scented room to the Champagne sitting in a bucket of ice, to the dinner waiting in silver dishes and complete with candle light. Yes, he agreed, she was right the place was meant for newly married couple who are in love. But he did it because he was hoping that they would recapture the love they once shared. He looked at her angry face and answered

"Blame it on the hotel staff, I only told them we would be staying here. This is their idea of a honeymoon suite" He sighed "Besides is this not what you've always wanted your honeymoon to look like"

"That was before...when I was in love with you" she shouted at him

"So you are saying you are no longer in love" asked Uche calmly.

"If you really loved me in the least way, you would have helped me without blackmailing me into this marriage" she said in a whisper

"Maybe one day I would explain it to you and you would understand but right now I would just be wasting my time"

"...because you know I won't listen to any more lies from you!" She shouted and ran towards the bedroom but she stopped when she opened the door. What greeted her eyes was a big double bed with pure white satin sheets. There were rose petals scattered all over the room and on top of the bed. She stood there transfixed and dumbfounded.

WHEN THE HEART KNOWS  (BILLIONAIRE BAD BOYS BOOK 1     BY Chioma OnuohaWhere stories live. Discover now