Side Story: Going with the Flo

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Hey everyone, it's been quite a while since I updated this book or written any stories in general

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Hey everyone, it's been quite a while since I updated this book or written any stories in general. I've been pretty busy nowadays since I'm in grad school but I finally did get some time during my break to write out this idea. It was suggested last year and finally after some renewed inspiration and some research over a year later, here goes nothing. I felt that the best setup for this would take place between books 2 and 3 so maybe like 2 months after returning from Egypt? 

Disclaimer: For those that are squeamish and dont like seeing stuff mentioned about periods then skip reading this. (I tried to not make it as graphic as possible, but still consider yourself warned)

Since this is not a part of the 20 original prompt request from my tumblr, I've listed it as a side story (hope you all appreciate the pun in the title!)

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'Blast it all!' I huffed as I dropped the stack of boxes on the floor. Pretty sizable ones, by the noticeable thump as they hit the ground.

'Mr Linton.' I heard a curt voice. Looking up, I stared into a pair of cold, familiar eyes.

'Yes, sir?' I grimaced at him. It was much easier than smiling when your ribs were aching and lungs wheezing for air.

'You are two minutes and twenty-three seconds slower than you were yesterday.' Snapping his pocket watch closed, he tucked it back into his waistcoat pocket. His gaze flickered back to me. 'I do not pay you for your tardiness.'

'No, sir.' I beamed. Well, I tried to anyway. 'Just for my delightful company.'

His eyes narrowed ever so slightly. His mouth parted slightly as if to retort but then closed.

I made the mistake of looking into that glacial, intense stare of his and felt trapped. But I didn't want to escape. Not when I felt like I could forget my worries and problems from the rest of the world when it was just him and me. His gaze held mine and I had to suppress the urge to shiver. Not out of fear, though.

A flash of images came to mind. Soft lips melded to mine. Ripped clothing on a hotel bed. Cold desert nights spent in strong, comforting arms.

Snapping out of my daze, I shook my head.

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