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Howdy ho! Long time no see! I was planning to update on Thursday, but I was a lot more tired than expected after work. I also had work yesterday, which is why I didn't update then either. However, I do have some good news for everyone! When I went live on Wednesday, I kept track of who all hopped on and interacted. There was a total of 6 people, which was great. They got a couple spoilers, saw me write the majority of this chapter, and we got to chat. And as thanks for those people, I am posting 6 extra chapters. 1 for each person who viewed. This chapter does not count as one of the rewards. If I go live in the future, the rewards will be the same. So, enjoy this chapter and the next 6 will be posted sometime in the next couple days!

(Lyrica's P.O.V.)

"It's getting late, Mrs. Hale. I think it's time you head home. You have 2 weeks until Children's Service is contacted."

"There will be no need for Children's Services." I scoff. "My son and brother are happy, safe, and taken care of. There will be no reason for them to be taken out of our care." I rise to my feet, giving Noah a polite smile. "I'll see myself out."

I don't allow either man to respond, I turn on my heel and march out of the office, ignoring the confused looks given to me by the deputies and other people in the main area of the station. I exit the station and climb into the Impala. As I buckle myself in, I pull out my phone and dial Derek's number. I put it on speaker and drive out of the parking lot.

"Lyrica? What's going on? Stiles called me and told me that they were holding you for further questioning." Derek spares the greeting and cuts straight to the chase.

"Rafael decided to dig into my history and deemed me unfit to be a teacher. So he got my license suspended and is trying to get it permanently revoked. He also wants to get Hunter and Isaac taken away from us, which is fun." I quickly explain with a sigh.

"How can he do that?!"

"He's FBI. He has evidence. Granted, it's invalid and stupid, but it's still evidence." I explain. "Either way, I don't care about what he does. I'm not worried. I've done nothing wrong and the government will see that."

"So what do we do until we prove him wrong?"

"I'll keep Hunter going with his schooling at home. The school will have to find a substitute for me, which will be a pain in the ass. But then we'll just have to make sure Isaac gets to school on time."

"Yeah, because that'll be such a difficult job."

I laugh at the sarcasm dripping from Derek's words. "Yeah, he's glued to Allison's side."

"I still don't approve of them being together. Not after all she did to us."

"Leave them be, Der. She means good."

"She tried to kill us. Numerous times. She shot about 30 arrows into our pack. I don't trust her, Lyrie."

"I never said I did. But they're teenagers. They're going to be stuck as who they are for the rest of their lives. Let them try to be normal teenagers. Put aside the fact that she tried to kill us. They like each other. We don't have to keep them apart." Derek is quiet for a moment before he slowly replies.

"I still don't like it."

"That's okay. Isaac is our only kid. We're gonna want to keep him safe, but we also have to let him make stupid mistakes that all teenagers make."

"That doesn't mean I can't be overprotective."

"Derek!" I laugh, before deciding to change the topic. "How's Hunter doing? Did he get to bed yet?"

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