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There's a moment that changes a life when

We do something that no one else can

And the path that we've taken will lead us

One final stand

There's a moment we make a decision

Not to cower and crash on the ground

The moment we face our worst demons

Our courage found

When we stand with friends

And we won't retreat

As we stare down death

Then the taste is sweet

I may fall

But not like this, it won't be by your hand

I may fall

Not this place, not today

I may fall

Bring it all, it's not enough to take me down

I may fall

I may fall

I may fall

I may, I may fall

"Daaaaaaaaaamn, you two can sing!!"

I snorted as I placed the mic back in the holder and followed my best friend back to our group. I don't know how they convinced me to go with them to karaoke bar but they did and now they knew that at least two of us could sing.

"And that is how you get it done~", remarked Syn as she took her seat beside me as always. We'd met when we were teenagers and immediately hit it off with one another from there. Ever since then we've been inseparable with no other relationship comparing to ours besides mine with my husband.

"I can't believe Kaine missed this", she said to me as I shook my head.

"Hey, you're the one who wanted to take the day off for this, so of course he had to stay behind."

"And he was more than happy to because he knew that we could get you out of this little funk you've been in. Seriously, hun, what's going on with you?"

I sighed and looked away. It wasn't that I didn't want to tell her or any of them for that matter, but it was sort of hard to I guess. You see my husband and I have been trying to adopt for just over a year now but we haven't because of me. We'd gone to many different agencies and visited several homes but none of the children appealed to me, and I was starting to think it was because I wasn't meant to be a father.

"I don't know...I guess it's just this whole baby thing. It's been really stressful."

"Well duh, everything about kids is stressful. Don't think raising your goddaughter is a walk in the park."

"I know it's not easy and I'm prepared for that, but the problem is that I can't seem to pick a child that I actually want! I have no preferences about species, race, or gender and yet I'm still having trouble... Does that mean that something's wrong with me?"

"Not at all, you're just waiting for the one that'll actually steal your heart."

"And how exactly will I know who the one is?"

"Because you'll...you'll... I can't even put it into words exactly, but picture how much you love your mate and then multiply that by- I don't even know how much, but the point is you'll know when you meet them. Trust me, you'll just know, Cere."

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