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Lukas POV:

When I woke up this morning, Kaine was the one to come and get me. My throat still hurt from yesterday so I couldn't really talk but luckily for me he already had another bottle of tea waiting foe just that reason. I wasn't tired like I was yesterday so when he pressed it against my lips I growled at him, but this only got me a tap on the bottom. I didn't feel like being in trouble this early in the morning so I just gave in and accepted it.

Cerin's sister joined us a little later and even ruffled my hair bit. I didn't really mind that since that's something people usually did to me when I was younger so it felt a bit nostalgic.

As she sat down at the table she and Kaine began talking about boring stuff so I decided to tune out and just enjoy my tea. It wasn't as good as the batch from yesterday but I think that's because Cerin put a bit more sweet stuff in it. I had been a bit worried yesterday because of the tense standoff they had in the kitchen. I don't really know what it was about but I do know that he wanted to leave and Kaine didn't. It's probably because of me...

I can't blame him though, I did run off in the middle of the night and scare them half to death. Part of me didn't care because I knew I wasn't their baby and had no intentions of giving in to them, but the other part felt terrible because it felt like they actually cared about me and now that I'd messed up the same feeling wasn't there anymore. It's like right after that happend there was something in the air, something yucky between the two of us that made him not want to be around me. I only have myself to blame, they've been nothing but nice to me and that's how I repaid them. I wouldn't want to be around me either.

"Lukas, are you alright?"

"Uh...yeah, why?"

"You've been spaced out for a good three minutes. Something on your mind, bud?"

"...Where's D- Cerin?"

"Heh, Daddy had to run out and won't be back til later."


"If you want I can call him so you can talk to him."

I quickly shook my head. There was no way in hell I was going to talk to him on the phone. He would assume that I miss him, which I don't! Apparently this was funny to the adults who kept snickering until Kaine came up with another solution: texting. He handed me his phone and instructed me on what to do and when I was ready he would send it for me. I groaned, he wasn't going to let this go so I gave in and wrote a stupid message for him.

"It's done", I said as I passed the phone back to him and looked away.

"Aw, that's cute~"


"Okay okay, I'll just send it then. This'll definitely make his day better."

"Whatever... Can we watch the TV again?"

"Sure, kid. Cara will take you in the living room while I make you something to chow down on. Okay?"


Cara picked me up and carried me out of the room, and when we reached the couch I found myself engrossed with what was on the screen. For a few minutes. For some reason my mind kept going back to Cerin and the text message. Would he actually like it? Would he reply? Would he even care? I rolled my eyes and leaned back against the couch, why did I even care, I don't even like him that much. Sending that message was a mistake.

Cerin POV:

I smiled as I put my phone back in my pocket. My little man missed me even if he didn't want to admit it out loud or through a text that came at the right moment. I'd been sitting outside the house for hours at this point and hadn't mustered up the courage to go inside, but now that I'd gotten my boy's message I was overflowing with confidence. This was all for him and I'd see it through to the end.

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