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Lukas POV:

When I first came to I thought it was all a dream. I thought that I'd get out of bed and my family would be waiting for me downstairs as usual, but when I pushed back my blanket and tried to sit up I found myself restrained by something. I opened one of my eyes and quickly realized that I was inside a car and strapped down in a large seat. Two men that I didn't recognize were in the front seats watching the scenery go by and hadn't noticed that I had regained consciousness.

I shut my eyes when I saw one of them turn their heads in my direction. This was just great, if I was here then that means everything that happened in my nightmare was real. Just my luck.

Mom. Dad. Even my sister. I'd never see them again and I only had myself to blame. I must've been crying because a second later I felt someone's hand wipe a tear away from my face, and when I opened my eyes I found myself staring into a set of inhuman eyes.

"Good morning, Lukas."

Cerin POV:

I knew he was awake the moment his breathing pattern changed. Poor little thing had cried so much last night that he ended up passing out in my arms. I didn't mind though and actually found it to be kind of cute. We debated on going back home to get him situated but ended up deciding to continue on with the trip, thinking that it would be a good way to get to know each other before meeting his new aunt. I couldn't wait.

When I tried to greet him I had to suppress to the urge to laugh when he shut his eyes, but that urge was soon replaced with sadness when I realized he was crying. Kaine pointed at a rest stop coming up and told me through our link that he was going to pull over there so I could get Lukas situated. I agreed but I didn't feel like waiting until we stopped to console my baby, so I reached back wiped some of his tears away.

I was more than happy when he opened his beautiful eyes to look at me. "Good morning, Lukas", I said with the most jovial tone I could muster, but all this seem to do was upset him even further.

"H-How do you know my name? Where am I?"

I felt bad and knew I had screwed up by revealing that I knew his name. He was already scared and finding out that I had read his mind would only freak him out even more. So I lied.

"Lucky guess?"

Yes, I am stupid. I know that now.

"We're here", Kaine said as he stopped the car and put us in park, "What do you two want?"

Lukas was even more confused now and I shot my hubby a glare to let him know that he'd upset the baby even more and me too as result. He held his hands up in surrender and got of the car muttering under his breath that he'd figure it out. I took a deep breath before I too got out of the car only to get in the back seat with Lukas who was scared to death when he saw that I was now even closer to him than before. But when I unbuckled him from his car seat he seemed to relax a little bit, though his eyes never left me.

"There, is that better?"

Still there was silence.

"Okay well...Papa's gone to get us some snacks for the road so how's about I check your-"



"I said that your Papa's gone to-"

"Papa?! That isn't my dad!!"

"Easy there, fussy pants, I'll chalk that one up to you just waking up, but do it again and you'll get a punishment. Understand?"

Little LukasTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon