You fucking idiot.

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"Ansel? Man, Get up." Mason had started shaking him now, but he wasn't opening his eyes.

"Ansel! Oh, fuck!" He sat up straight and held his head in his hands.

He took out his phone and dialed a number.

"Jack, take out your car. We need to go to the hospital!"


"I don't know why but my heart's beating fast. Like if there's something wrong,"

"Hey, everything's ok. Nothing's wrong." Wren squeezed her hand and smiled at her, Amy smiled back half-heartedly.

"It's a drug overdose, We have cleared his stomach and he is quite stable. We suggest a rehab." The doctor patted Mason on his shoulder and walked away.

"Oh, man. where the hell is his phone?" He muttered and patted his jeans pocket, he knew it was somewhere in there because he had picked it up before half-carrying Ansel down towards the car.

"Not his parents, they will kill him. " He scanned his contacts and decided on the contact named 'Cupcake'.

"Seems like we can trust her."


Her phone was ringing. She glanced at the caller ID and her eyes widened.

"I knew my heart was signaling me, he is calling me!" She half shouted.

"Hey, calm your panties down! Pick it up!"

She touched the green button and waited for him to speak.

"Is it 'Cupcake'?" Someone, definitely not Ansel, asked.

"Uh... It's Amanda actually, Who's this?"

"I'm Mason, Ansel's roommate, and friend. Listen, there's an emergency. I didn't know to whom should I inform, Um... can you come here?"

"What, why would I come there?" She demanded.

"Listen, Amanda. Ansel's hospitalized, It's... it's a drug overdose. If you could just come here please. "

"Where's Seth?" She asked. Her heart was beating super fast. He was hospitalized.

Ansel. Ansel was hospitalized.

"Oh yeah, I didn't call him, He was probably in class."

"Oh my, It's an eight-hour-long flight. Well, I'll try to be there till tomorrow."

"Okay, thank you. See you."

The call ended.

"Who was that?" Wren demanded.

"I have to fly to New Haven, Like right now!"


"Ansel's in hospital, he needs me. What do I do?"

"Girl, you should go! Wait, from where will you get the money?"

"From Carlos of course."

"Call him now! And I'm calling my dad. We are going together!"

"What about Marie?"

"I'll call her. We are not leaving you alone."

"Oh God, Ansel." She held her head in her hands, tears pooling out of her eyes.


"Just don't worry, He'll be fine. He's Ansel, You know." Amy, Wren, and Marie were sitting side by side on the plane, Amanda was looking out of the window.

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