[ Arc 2.10 ]

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I hope you lovelies enjoy this chapter~!!!


Once the pair of boys reached the abandoned cottage area, the older boy went ahead in a series of days to tend and attempt to grow plants around the area while the younger boy was taught how to do the house chores as they tided up the small house. Granted, there was a lot of blank spaces and a lack of any other type of furniture, it felt like home to both of the boys working hard to make it comfortable for the both of them.

Months went by but it eventually went into years and nearly a decade inside of the forest; time goes by quickly when there was nothing to be afraid of except for one thing, the Kingdom of Emperia and their corrupted king behind the scenes. While the town believes of the kindness and gracious acts from the ruler who sought all, it was still a mask and only seen with his true colors when a opportunity is met. Fortunately, Eros was clever in all sort of ways; he never got caught as time passed by like a breeze across the ocean, although he seemed clever, the older boy whom is now nearly old enough to find someone to marry, turned cold and heartless. Of course, with an exception.


"Angel." a deep husky voice was heard from afar.

Hearing the call of someone he knew, a young gentleman turned to the sound of where it came from and responded with his hands as he placed down the tools he was using to tend the small fragile plants in the front of the yard.

"Yes? Do you need something?" Lucielle signed while the man from afar went closer to the gentleman sitting down on the green grass and smiled gently.

"Aren't you tired?" Eros questioned, worried that if he was, he would gladly tend the plants inside.

Knowing what his intentions may be, Lucielle shook his head within denial and did his usual sweet smile toward the older man and didn't answer but stare at him from below. Glancing for what might've been minutes during eye contact, Lucielle immediately turned away from Eros and went back to tending as his ears grew a light pink glow.

Facing away from the man, Lucielle attempted to focus on the plants but felt a light head pat on his head, messing with his hair, Lucielle fell into this rabbit pit and stopped completely of what he was doing to feel the head pat in its entirety. Once the moment was over, Lucielle knew that this would be strange to many if any were to see this but he had no shame at the moment, he didn't really care.

"You're like a rabbit, Angel." Eros teased while what he got in return was a bright red faced man trying to focus on his daily duties which never reached far. With no answer, the man got in front of Lucielle and grinned to the flustered man.


Hearing the tone of his call, Lucielle tilted his head in confusion as to why he sounded down and tried to comfort him by reaching out his left hand and slowly rubbing the man's cheek. Once again, may appear strange but Lucielle did not care in anyway as he wasn't taught of how to act and how not to act.

"Angel, I need to go to town." Eros sighed with sadness as he grasped Lucielle's small hand with his own, covering all of what was seen, this gave some light and idea to the gentleman. Letting go from his grasp, Lucielle happily questioned to go together.

"Can I go?" Lucielle questioned.

"It's dangerous."

"Please? I want to go just this time..." Lucielle pleaded with a pout though it appeared to not work until Lucielle heard his response.

"Angel, fine. Next time, tomorrow, when I'm more prepared." Eros sighed happily to the attempt of the younger man.

Smiling so brightly, Lucielle remembered how he had never asked in the previous years in fear that he would slow him down and get caught but this year it's different, Eros looked much more different than he did when he was younger. Lucielle doubted anyone would recognize the older man and knew they wouldn't be caught since time has changed many variables.

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