[ Arc 2.12 ]

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"Angel, I'm home." Lucielle heard the familiar deep husky voice he was used to everyday as he set his supplies and threads down to greet him with a warm smile. Lucielle lifted his thin arms to feel the warmth of his body to make sure he was indeed alright and well. However, the young gentleman questioned and curiosity thought of what the older man could have been gathering deep within the forest, north of where the cottage resided. Tilting his head, this simple feat gave a little more light shone upon Eros, whom was content with the behavior of his even if that small yet important thought was protruding against the back of his mind. Revealing his red fierce hair, his golden eyes glared down to only lift his arms to pinch the squishy pale and rosy cheeks of Lucielle.

Surprising Lucielle with this childish action, he pouted and wanted to smack the hands away but did not want to seem mean or rather rude. Although he also could not stop thinking of what had happened last week and let his arms rest while Eros gently poked at his soft cheeks, the feeble system had been watching from afar, glowing with a bright yellow hue while recording for the past few days. Knowing what had happened previously, Ace decided to not tease the host of theirs, knowing it could possibly triggering the next mask of Lucielle. Afraid of what could come out, it shivered with the dark thought and shook it's wings, continuing the recording when Lucielle noticed something within the air.

Glancing up toward the ceiling, this promptly made the system freeze and tremble under the gaze of Lucielle. Even with the red blindfold, the system felt threatened of the possibility that the host sensed it's presence in the same room. Lucielle kept on staring but lifted his face down when Eros caught his attention by an announce, nearly giving the system a short panic attack, his gaze was placed upon the man in front of him.

Letting go of his cheeks, Eros spoke in a low voice while seeming a bit cautious and joyful, as if he was not sure of anything yet had the confidence to say at least something, troubling Lucielle when he was ordered of what to do.

"Angel. I have a favor I need to ask of you." speaking slowly, this sentence gave Lucielle a bit of a scare when he felt the man's glare on him, without any breaks and not viewing away, he nodded with uncertainty.

"Don't be scared, I just want you to stay still." Eros warned when he gently placed his large hand over Lucielle's; giving a fright, all of Lucielle's thoughts disappeared, going blank and holding his breath in when the suspense came around.

His chest tightened when holding his breath, being able to hear his own heartbeat, Lucielle abruptly stopped thinking when he felt the breath of Eros near his ear. Still as he was, Lucielle heard Eros speak an unknown language into his ear before feeling a prickly experience over his cheeks.

'My chest feels weird. Am I having a heart attack?' Lucielle thought in disbelief when hearing his own heart beat through his chest, pounding loudly within rhythm. Nearly shaking his head, Eros immediately held Lucielle in place by holding his chin toward him.

"Relax." Eros said softly.

Lucielle felt herbs over his soft skin, leaving behind a little tingly sensation, a jar could be heard from the satchel of Eros. Liquid flowing within the jar, the older man made contact with the jar right onto the blindfold that Lucielle was wearing. Listening to the husky voice of Eros, more unknown words were heard when he began to feel a bit dizzy on the spot. Feeling hot around the skin under the blindfold, the next thing Lucielle remembered was falling into deep sleep with silence invading his ability to hear.


Although it felt like an eternity, Lucielle soon awoke from passing out earlier, meeting the same blank vision yet it felt strange, something felt different. It was odd, Lucielle could not put his finger upon it, he felt different, something is different. Claiming the thought and feeling within his head, Lucielle groaned silently as he attempted to pull himself up from the soft blankets which he remembered was not there before.

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