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It's the last week of school before we break up for Christmas, I don't think I've even been in this school for a week.

My attendance must be shockingly bad.

Ethan and I are now allowed to go back, CTC had to make sure there were no revenge attacks planned and they had to make sure there wasn't going to be any more danger to us and to the people around us. But after hours of intensive background and security checks, they gave us the all clear.

Both of us are dreading it, we hate school.

Both of us are wishing we just took a year off and done fuckall instead.

It's not as bad for Ethan, he can actually do what he wants. He can still go to work but me, I'm like a lost puppy.

My mom is generously looking after Max whilst we go to school. She works from home and I'd prefer him being with someone.

We're currently sat in assembly, Ethan on one side of me and Ella on the other.

I'm going through every ABBA song in my head to get me through this pointless assembly about events coming up and I look up to Mr Jenkins on the stage, before glancing at Harriet who seems completely unaffected by the incident.

"I would like to say a massive thank you to Eden Martinez and Ethan Connolly" he says and i Ethan and I look at each other

"If they hadn't have interrupted the awards ceremony some people in this hall wouldn't be alive right now" he says

We were just doing our jobs.

"I know that you'll say you were just doing your jobs but on behalf of the school we'd like to thank you both" he says and people start clapping

I tense and so does Ethan, "so people are just going to treat us like celebrities?"

"I guess so, this is a nightmare" I say and he nods

"You can get out of this, you can still go to work" i tell him

He scoffs, "and leave you on your own? What kind of boyfriend do you think I am?"

I smile to myself.

"It's too late for me, save yourself" i say and he laughs

"Follow the code" i say

"Which one?" He asks

"The pirate code, anyone who falls behind is left behind" I say

"You've not fallen behind yet darling" he tells me

"Right" i say and he chuckles.

"That is all for this assembly" he says catching our attention

Everyone starts to get up and we head to our first lesson of the day, gym.

I love gym, I used to hate it but during basic training and out on deployments it really helped me channel the emotions I kept inside of me.

I head off to gym keeping my thoughts in my mind, staying silent as I walk with the girls.

We all get changed and we head into the gym where the boys are.

"Hey" Harriet says

"Hey, how are you? I've not had a chance to talk to you after the awards thing" I say

"I'm good! I've decided to forgive him for what he did" she says and I stop dead in my tracks in the middle of the gym.

"What do you mean you've forgiven him?" I ask

"Well, I just think he was brainwashed. I mean no one is purely evil" she says

"Yes. They are" I say

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