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I'm sat in the living room with Ethan.

He's in his uniform and I lean my head against his shoulder.

"I'm going to be alright" he says

"I know you will be" i say

"Ethan honey a car just pulled up outside" Jane says

Ethan sighs and stands up.

I stand up as well and hand him his burgen and we head outside.

"I'll see you soon mom" Ethan says and I turn my attention to see Jane crying.

"Don't cry mom" he says hugging her

"I'm sorry, I'm just worried. I'll never stop worrying" she says and I look away and close my eyes.

"I love you" she says

"I love you too" he says

"Eden" he says and i turn to him slightly teary eyed

"I love you" he say

"I love you too" i say and I hug him

"You better come home in one piece cause I swear to god if you don't I'll kill you" i say and he laughs

"Don't worry, they aren't going to get me. You'll be the death of me" he says and i gasp

"Rude" i say and he smiles and i smile at him

The driver beeps the car horn and I glare at the driver.

"I've got to go" he says and i nod and he walks away.

"Ethan" i call and he turns around and I rush up to him and kiss him.

His hands instantly go to my waist and it's like in that moment everything freezes.

We pull away from each other, "I'll see you soon"

"Definitely" he says and i nod and he gives me a kiss on the cheek before getting in the car and the car drives away and i just watch as he gets further down the street until he is out of sight.

"Aren't you worried about him?" Jane asks me

"Of course I am, but I know that he is the best person for his job. I trust him and he knows what he is doing. That's all we can do, I mean he saved my life. He's got this"

"Maybe your right" she says and i nod

She walks back into her house and I walk back into mine and into my room.

"Come on" my mom says walking inside my room

"What?" I ask

"We're going shopping" she says

"For what?" I ask

"For school, you need some clothes" she says and i nod

"Right school" i say and she narrows her eyes

"I want you down here in five" she says before leaving

God soon as Ethan leaves she takes me shopping, could this day get any worse?

We've spent three hours shopping and I have not found anything.

Well I have but she doesn't like it, apparently it's too 'military'.

She wants me in a skirt and it's not going to happen.

It's not. It's never going to happen.

As long as I'm alive I will never be in a skirt... well unless I have to wear my uniform....

So we're now in a restaurant and we've just ordered our food.

"Can I ask you a question?" She asks me and i nod

"How much do you want to go back to your job?" She asks me

"More than anything" I say

"Why?" She asks

"My whole life is there, now I'm back here I feel useless" i say

"Why do you feel useless?" She asks me frowning

"Because when your out there you have people who depend on you, you all work in a team and it's amazing. You find your purpose, a sense of belonging" i say and she smiles slightly

"But I'm here and I feel like I don't belong, like I'm an outsider. I don't have anything to do here, I have no purpose here. I could be doing so much more out there, creating an impact, doing something useful. But I'm not there, I'm here. And because I'm here I don't know what to do with myself. I'm so used to being on the move that when I stay still it doesn't feel right" I say

"I have so much more to accomplish, but I'm afraid they won't give me any more time"

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