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"Ethan!" I say excitedly

"What?" He groans


"I don't care, I'm sleeping" he grumbles

"I made cookies last night" i say and his eyes snap open

"You did?" He asks

"Oh yeah that makes you wake up, that makes me feel so appreciated" i say sarcastically

He smirks, "you know I love you sweetheart but I'm tired"

"Max, attac-" I say and he cuts me off

"I'm up!" Ethan shouts, "I'm up"

"That's a good boy" i say patting the top of Ethans head and he glares at me

"Enough of that" he says flipping me over and I scream and he pins me down and he's now on top of me.

"I like this position" he says

"Oh yeah, I'm sure you do" i say

"And you dont?" He asks

"I never said that" I say and he smirks before kissing me.

"What do you want to do today?" He asks me

"I don't know" i say

"Well with the very minimal food we bought at the shop yesterday we should probably find somewhere to get a Christmas dinner" he says

"Good idea!" I say, "then we can come home, eat those cookies i made. Then we could go for a walk in the snow and see the northern lights"

"You done with your little ramble there?" He asks me

"Now I am" i say and he smiles at me.

We walk along the snowy streets of a town the streets are completely deserted.

"Why are the streets so quiet?" I ask him

"I don't know" he says

"Max is getting on edge" i say

"That's because your on edge" he says

"I don't feel it, I'm full of adrenaline" i say

"You've been out of action for way too long" he says

"Oh I know I have!" I say and he smiles

"So has Max by the looks of it, he looks ready as ever to take down some bad guys" he says and i smile

"He does doesn't he" i say looking down at Max

I hear a faint sound of singing and I turn my attention to a pub, inside the windows are slightly steamed up but people are eating and singing Christmas songs.

"What about there?" I ask

"Will they take dogs?" He asks

"One way to find out" I say handing the lead to Ethan

I walk away and Max starts barking.

"Max, relax" I say and he only gets angrier

"Do you think there's any ex-"

I get cut off with a loud bang and i drop to the floor and cover my head.

But soon I hear a crackling sound and I realise it's fireworks.

I look to see Ethan getting up from the floor.

"God, he smelt that from there?" Ethan says

"He must have done" i say sitting up and Ethan walks over to me with Max and he looks around nervously

"It's alright Max, thank you. We're okay" i say and he wags his tail letting me know he's alright.

Ethan helps me up and I wipe the snow off my jeans.

"He's got a great nose" Ethan says and i nod

"Of course he does, he's my brilliant baby" I say and Max wags his tail even faster.

"Are you okay?" A female asks all of a sudden

I turn around to see a middle aged woman with an apron on.

"Hi, sorry I was wondering if you allow dogs inside?" I ask

"We certainly do" she says and i nod

I take the lead of Ethan and Max is instantly by my side.

"Is it possible we could get some food?" I ask

"Yes, follow me" she says smiling and we head inside and we're greeted by warmth and the smell of Christmas dinner and my stomach rumbles.

People turn to see us as we head inside and Ethan grabs my hand protectively.

"Where are you from?" She asks

"America" i say

"Oh wow! I've always wanted to go there" she says

"It's great if you go to the right places" i say

"Who's your little friend?" She asks

"Oh this is Max" i say

"He's very well behaved" she says

"Oh he's active military dog" I say

"Your in the military?" She asks me and i nod

"We both are" I say

"I told you they were on the news Shelly!" A man says from the bar and I look up at Ethan and he's looking around the room.

He's looking for exits, and ways out, things to use as weapons incase this all goes wrong.

"Ah yes the school, the school that almost had an attack" She says

"That's the one" I say looking back at her

"Just this table here if that's alright?" She asks and i nod

"It's great thanks" i say

she smiles, "I'll go get you some menus"

"Thank you" i say and we sit down across from each other.

"Okay there are three maybe four possible exits, one maybe through roof if we go upstairs. There was a fire exit at the top of the building. There is also a group of men in the corner wearing big coats. What are they hiding?" He rambles

I look over to see them looking slightly suspicious but they are just downing pints of beer.

Max sits down and starts sniffing before growling.

"What's up now?" I ask and I follow his eye sight up onto a wall where there is a shot gun in a glass case.

"He's on form tonight" Ethan says and I nod

"He is... maybe.. I should..." I say before stoping myself

"Maybe you should what?" He asks me

"Look, if they don't let me return maybe I should hand him off to another dog handler. It's obvious he's great at what he does, I can't stop him from that. I haven't heard anything from them. They said I will hear back soon. But I haven't. What if they will never let me go back?" I ask

"Eden" he says taking my hand, "they will, trust me. They will let you go back. They would be fools to stop you, your a great soldier. You need to start having faith in yourself and think on the positive side for once" he says and i nod.

Authors note:

hey everyone.

Again I am so so so sorry!

I got given a MASSIVE assignment and I've been so busy I've not found the time to update. But, now I'm on half term so I have two weeks. I have spent all day writing and this book now only has a few chapters left. I might post them all in one day because I've left you for so long.

Again, I do apologise. So how do you want me to do this?

One everyday or all at once?

Let me know x

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