Ch. 7 - Separating And Finding Each Other Again [e]

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A/N: The next chapter(s) will be really close to the the TV-Series. Please keep reading it anyway because I'll add further details into the actual story. The next two chapters will be the only chapters being THAT close to the series.

Chapter 7 - Separating And Finding Each Other Again

We're all together on Mama Hawks back when she walks past Istar just shortly after. A part of the group is inside whilst the rest of us stands outside. I hear Merlin call my name and when I turn around to face her, Arthur is standing right next to her.
"It's time for Arthur to go back home" she says.

"What?!" Arthur exclaims as his violet eyes widen in surprise. "But Lady Merlin-"

Merlin shushes him with just a small movement with her hand and he listens immediately. The relationship between Merlin and Arthur is still a very special one and the way she watches over him is the most loving expression of her love that I have ever seen in Merlin. "You're the king of Camelot" Merlin speaks up to him. "That is your priority, not Liones."

"She's right, Arthur" I say and walk over to the boy. I give her a look that tells her that I'm going to say goodbye to the young king and lead him away from the others.

"I should stay with you, Lady Yami" Arthur begins but I cut him off as well.

"Merlin is right, Arthur. This is not your war. Not yet."

"You sound like it's going to change soon."

I sigh and try to not look into his eyes. I don't want to imagine what could happen within the next weeks. And I don't want to imagine him fighting against overpowered demons. "I just want to consider all the possibilities. But right now, it's time for you to head back home. You've trained your powers, that's why Merlin brought along in the first place."

Arthur places his hand under my chin and forces me to look into his soft violet eyes by lifting up my head and I can't help but smile. His eyes are full of warmth, love and hope. They are the gateway to a better world. "I see a lot of worry in your eyes, Lady Yami. Please be sure that I believe that everything is going to turn out fine" he says.

I pull the king into my arms and hug him tightly. "Promise me to stay safe, Arthur" I say and try to push away the fears of him getting hurt.

"There she is" he laughs as he hugges me back.

"What do you mean?" I ask confused as we let go off each other.

"You've changed a lot in the past years, Lady Yami. You're so strong now. But every now and then I can see your insecurities. Maybe the others can't see it, but I can see it in your eyes. And that's okay. I am also often insecure. It's good to see that you haven't changed completely."

"Thank you" I whisper and hug him once again. "Promise me to stay safe" I repeat before pulling apart.

"I promise you" he says and I let him leave with Merlin.

"Hey King!" I hear Meliodas shout as the fairy king is about to leave, too. "Where are you going?"

King turns around to face the Captain. "I need to look for Diane. I know you promised to join but there's no time."

"Let him go, Meliodas" I say whilst walking up to them and see King looking at me in surprise. "You're right, King. We don't have the time to follow you and we need to seperate sometime soon. I know you love her, King. And I would do the same."

King nods at me thankfully. "I'll come back!" he says before flying away to find his beloved one.

Mama Hawk continues to walk past Istar, towards cities in the kingdom Liones as that's where we expect some of the Ten Commandments to appear. The night has fallen over us already and I look into the distance and watch the surroundings pass by as I listen to the rhytmic stamping of Mama Hawk. Arthur is back in Camelot, King has left to find Diane and Ban is gone as well and we still haven't found Escanor yet. If anything is going to happen within the next few days, it would be three of the Seven Deadly Sins, a princess unaware of her powers, a talking pig and a half-demon fighting against members of the Ten Commandments. Not an overly heady thought.

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