Ch. 34 - It's Time

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Chapter 34 - It's Time
"So, what do you say?" Meliodas asks his brother hopefully. Still with disbelief, Zeldris looks at his older brother and thinks about his offer and can only think about all the reasons against this idea. He would betray his older brother Estarossa, which wouldn't make him any better than Meliodas.
"They'd never accept a king that betrayed them" is all that Zeldris says after moments of silence.

"I'm sure you have a better idea then."

Another time, Zeldris grits his teeth in anger. He feels so helpless right now as there's nothing he can do to save Yami and be with her. No matter how he turns it and how much he thinks about it, Meliodas is right. There's only one option.

Yamis POV

After minutes that felt like hours, I see Meliodas and Zeldris come back to the Boar Hat together. They walk kind of relaxed next to each other but I can't wait just one more moment and hurry towards them.
"Now, I guess you two have talked."

"Zeldris has to leave now, Yami."

"What?!" I exclaim. "Why? I mean... Like right now?"

"That shouldn't be your business" says Zeldris and their coldness towards me hurts me more than I'd like to admit.

"Why are you two acting so weird? What have you talked about?" I ask them and talk way too fast. But they don't answer me and I get that this won't change within the next minutes.
"Nice to see you two are keeping secrets from me now. You're a real team" I say offended and cross my arms as I glare at them with a mixture of anger and sadness in my eyes.

Immediately, they both look like they regret their behavior but I'm too mad to admire this adorable sibling-moment at where they're more alike than they'd ever like to admit.
"We just talked about what he could do" says Meliodas and I let my eyes wander over to Zeldris.

"And that is?" I ask.

Zeldris looks at me apologizing and I can see how much he refuses to tell me. Instead, Meliodas answers me and I know he does it to support his brother. After all, Meliodas still cares about him a lot. "We could end this war without any victims if we fight against the one who keeps it ongoing."

My eyes widen immediately when I realize what he's talking about. They're trying to fight against their father, the demon king. "You're kidding, right? You can't really think about it!" I exclaim shocked  but they don't say a word. "Guys, I'm serious. Please don't tell me you're going to fight against the demon king! I mean... you wouldn't do this, right? Mel?"

"Don't worry, Yami" says Meliodas. "The Commandments would never follow a traitor. Which Zeldris would be if he follows my plan."

"But I still have to go back. Estarossa will notice that I'm gone" Zeldris finally speaks up.

I walk closer to Zeldris whilst being annoyed by Estarossa. What does Zeldris see in him? His babysitter? But in the end, I know that he's right. Zeldris risked so much already. I want to grab his hands to say goodbye to him but he fends me off. "Don't" is all he says.

"What's wrong?" I ask confused and a bit offended. Ever since he came back from the woods with Meliodas, he's acting really strange. Like, more strange than usual.

"There's no need to act like we're friends. You'll lose your trust in me the moment I'll hurt your friends. So why should we act like things are fine between the two of us."

Tears fill my eyes when his words cut me deep like knifes. He's so cold towards me that it reminds me of the first years we spent together. "Don't..." I whisper. "I-"

"I'm not interested in saying goodbye to you the same way we did 3.000 years ago" Zeldris says dismissive.

"Then don't do it" I say desperate and try to come closer to him once again but he blocks me off.

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