Ch. 16 - The Meeting [e]

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A/N: hey everyone! I planned on posting this chapter by the end of the weekend but I reached 2K reads last night and to celebrate this, here's an early chapter! I want to thank everyone for reading, I would've never thought to reach that many reads in such a short time. Also I wanna thank you all for voting and commenting, I really enjoy reading what you have to say about my story.
Have fun with the next chapter and have a nice weekend everyone :)

Chapter 16 - The Meeting
It's middle of the night when I sit on a cliff and look down at the wild water that is light up by the nights sky. The moon shines brightly on the water and the stars look like glitter on the restless waves. It might not be safe to sit here and rest but the sound of the waves has a calming effect and I'm still lacking of sleep as the night is already halfway over. It won't be too long until the next demons will arrive but tonights doubts torment me. I wonder if it was right to warn Derieri and Monspeet. Maybe I should have just fought them. If they attack my friends or any innocents, I will never forgive myself. What if I screwed up the only chance to get two of the Ten Commandments out of the way...

Suddenly, I feel a dark and powerful presence being really close. I lift my head to see that someone is landing just a few hundred meters away. My powers allow me to see better at night than any of my friends but even without these skills, I would always immediately recognize who these wings belong to. He folds them in and I get up carefully, without taking my eyes off him. It is no secret that demons can sense the presence of other demons so he surely feels mine just like I can feel his. Staying here, pretending he wouldn't be here, would be a fatal mistake.
With a final deep breath to calm down myself, I walk closer to him to not give him the feeling that I am scared of him. Yet, I wonder why he landed here and does nothing whilst he must've felt my presence. Only when I am a few feet away, he turns around to face me and his body tenses as he starts to walk towards me.

"Zeldris the piety" I greet him once we're close enough. I can hardly look into his eyes but he's not someone to show any weaknesses in front of. He'd definitely take advantage of it. But to my surprise, his eyes widen as he sees me.

"You?" he growls with a hint of surprise in his voice.

"Last time we met was in Vayzel, wasn't it? What's the leader of the Ten Commandments doing here all alone?"

Zeldris looks at me blankly. "I don't think that's any of your business."

"Of course not. Yet, we're both here."

"You should be afraid. I'm impressed you're not."

"If I remember correctly, I beat you guys pretty easily last time."

Zeldris stretches out his arms and looks down at his body before giving me a tired smile. "I don't see any damage."

I know, I think. It was my  protective shield that saved you from any big damage. Because I couldn't hurt you. "I suppose you want revenge now."

Zeldris glares at me through narrowed eyes, but then averts his gaze. "I'm not here for revenge."

Surprised, I look at the black-haired man who doesn't look at me anymore and see something like uncertainty. He's so alike to the Zedris I used to know so well, yet he can't even remember me or the man he used to be around me. "So, you didn't come here for revenge, neither you're a man of many words. I still wonder what you're doing here."
Zeldris doesn't answer me immediately and I take a closer look at his features. His lips are pressed together, his eyes are glaring at me angrily. There's something odd about the situation. He must have felt my presence but he seems to have no reason to be here. Why on earth would he land near me if... Then, it dawns me. "You thought you were here alone!" How could he have not felt my presence? Where was his mind that he was so off to not feel another demon being near him? What is bothering him so much to do something so idiotic. What if it wasn't me that found him but Meliodas? I highly doubt they would have a cute bromance-moment.

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